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Resumen de contenidos para Bosch Rexroth BS 2/130
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Bandstrecke BS 2/130 3 842 532 542 (04.07) de/en/fr/it/es/pt Belt section BS 2/130 Section à bande BS 2/130 Tratto a nastro BS 2/130 Tramo de cinta BS 2/130 Via de esteira BS 2/130 The Drive & Control Company BS 2/130 (3 842 999 743)
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Sicherheitshinweise! Safety instructions! Conseils de sécurité ! Die Installation, Inbetriebnahme, Installation, initial operation, L'installation, la mise en service, la Wartung und Instandsetzung, darf nur maintenance and repair work may only maintenance et les réparations ne...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Bestellparameter/Ausführungen Ordering parameters/Versions Paramètres de commande/Modèles Funktionsbereite Förderstrecke Conveyor sections ready for Section de transport prête à l = 130 mm operation l = 130 mm...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Anlieferungszustand/Lieferumfang Delivery condition/Scope of delivery Etat à la livraison/Fournitures Fig. 2: Fig. 2: Fig. 2: Vormontiert je nach Bestellung: Pre-assembled, based on order: Prémonté selon la commande : Antriebskopf links, komplett.
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG v = 0 ohne Getriebemotor! MA = R without gear motor! sans moto-réducteur ! Fig. 2 3 842 525 110 M8x60 (4x) M8x40 M8x25 (2x)
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Hauptabmessungen/Funktionsmaße Main dimensions/Functional dimensions Mesures principales/Dimensions fonctionnelles BS 2/130 Motoranbau außen, rechts R Motor mounting, outer right R Montage extérieur du moteur à droite R...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Einbau in das Transfersystem Installing in the transfer system Montage dans le système de transfert Allgemeines: General: Généralités : Das Befestigen der Baueinheit The BS 2/130 unit is secured in the La fixation de l’unité...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Einbau BS 2/130 zwischen Strecken ST 2/.. Installing the BS 2/130 between sections ST 2/.. Montage de BS 2/130 entre des sections ST 2/.. Der Einbau der BS 2/130 in die The BS 2/130 must be installed in the Pour des raisons de sécurité...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Installation BS 2/130 Installation of BS 2/130 Installation BS 2/130 Für das Transfersystem ist kundenseitig The customer is obliged to equip the Un dispositif d’arrêt d’urgence doit être...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Motoranschluss Connection of the motor Raccordement du moteur Der Motoranschluss ist nach den The motor must be connected in Procéder au raccordement du moteur Angaben des Typschildes (Fig. 7) accordance with the voltage and current conformément aux spécifications sur la...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Fig. 7 "Y" TW 135°C Erde Terra Ground Tierra Terre Terra Fig. 8 " " U1 V1 TW 135°C Erde Terra Ground Tierra Terre Terra Fig.
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Wartung Maintenance Maintenance Vor Wartungsarbeiten sind die Prior to maintenance work, disconnect Déconnecter l'alimentation en énergie Energiezuführungen (Hauptschalter etc.) energy sources (main switch, etc.)! (interrupteur principal etc.) avant...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Zahnriemen (3, Fig. 11) Toothed belt (3, Fig. 11) Courroie dentée (3, Fig. 11) Regelmäßige Sichtkontrolle, Conduct regular visual inspections for Effectuer des contrôles visuels insbesondere der Schweißstelle auf...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Instandsetzung Repair Réparations Vor allen Instandsetzungsarbeiten Prior to any repair work, disconnect Débrancher l'alimentation en énergie Energiezuführungen (Hauptschalter etc.) energy sources (main switch, etc.)! (interrupteur principal etc.) avant...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Motorwechsel Replacing the motor Changement du moteur Vier Sechskantschrauben M5x16 Loosen the four hexagonal screws Desserrer quatre vis à tête (SW8) mit Sicherungsscheiben M5x16 (SW8) with the locking...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Getriebewechsel Replacing the gear Changement de réducteur Fig. 13: Fig. 13: Fig. 13: Zwei Sechskantschrauben M6 Loosen the two hexagonal screws Desserrer deux vis à tête (SW10) am Flansch lösen.
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG (2x) SW10 "gleitmo 585K" (4x) Fig. 13...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Zahnriemenwechsel Changing the toothed belt Changement de la courroie dentée Fig. 14: Fig. 14: Fig. 14 : 2 x 4 Schrauben auf den Loosen 2 x 4 screws on the drive Desserrer 2 x 4 vis sur la tête...
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Bandstrecke BS 2/130 3 842 532 542 (04.07) de/en/fr/it/es/pt Belt section BS 2/130 Section à bande BS 2/130 Tratto a nastro BS 2/130 Tramo de cinta BS 2/130 Via de esteira BS 2/130 The Drive & Control Company BS 2/130 (3 842 999 743)
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Avvertenze di sicurezza! ¡Indicaciones de seguridad! Instruções de segurança! L'installazione, la messa in funzione, la ¡La instalación, la puesta en servicio, el A instalação, a colocação em...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Parametri d’ordine/Esecuzioni Parámetros de pedido/Versiones Parâmetros de encomenda/Versões Tratto di trasporto pronto al Tramo de transporte listo para el Via de transporte pronta para funzionamento l = 130 mm...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Stato alla consegna/Fornitura Estado de entrega/Volumen de suministro Condições de entrega/Lote de fornecimento Fig. 2: Fig. 2: Fig. 2: Pré-montada de acordo com o Premontato in base all’ordinazione: Premontado según el pedido:...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG v = 0 senza motoridutore! MA = R sin motor reductor! sem motor redutor! Fig. 2 3 842 525 110 M8x60 (4x) M8x40 M8x25 (2x)
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Dimensioni principali/Dimensioni funzionali Dimensiones principales/Dimensiones funcionales Dimensões principais/Dimensões funcionais BS 2/130 Montaggio motore esterno, a destra R Montaje motor externo, derecha R Montagem motor externo, direita R...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Montaggio nel sistema di trasferimento Montaje en el sistema transfer Montagem no sistema transfer Generalità: Generalidades: Generalidades: Il fissaggio del modulo La fijación de la unidad constructiva en A fixação do módulo BS 2/130 no...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Montaggio del BS 2/130 fra i tratti ST 2/.. Montaje del BS 2/130 entre tramos ST 2/.. Montagem do BS 2/130 entre vias ST 2/..
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Installazione BS 2/130 Instalación BS 2/130 Instalação BS 2/130 Per il sistema di trasferimento deve ¡El cliente debe prever el sistema transfer O cliente deve prever um dispositivo de...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Allacciamento del motore Conexión del motor Conexão do motor L’allacciamento del motore va eseguito La conexión del motor se debe llevar a A conexão do motor deve ser executada seguendo la Fig.
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Fig. 7 "Y" TW 135°C Erde Terra Ground Tierra Terre Terra Fig. 8 " " U1 V1 TW 135°C Erde Terra Ground Tierra Terre Terra Fig.
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Manutenzione Mantenimiento Manutenção Prima di eseguire interventi di iAntes de iniciarse las tareas de Antes de realizar serviços de manutenzione, spegnere gli alimentatori mantenimiento se deben desconectar manutenção, os condutores de energia...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Cinghia dentata (3, Fig. 11) Correa dentada (3, Fig. 11) Correias dentadas (3, Fig. 11) Controllare regolarmente a vista Control visual regular especialmente Fazer regularmente um controle che in particolare i punti di saldatura non del desgaste en el punto de soldadura.
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Riparazioni Reparación Conserto Prima di eseguire interventi di ¡Antes de iniciarse las tareas de Antes de qualquer conserto ou trabalho manutenzione, spegnere gli alimentatori reparación se deben desconectar todas de manutenção, os condutores de...
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG Sostituzione del motore Cambio del motor Troca de motor Desatornillar cuatro tornillos Soltar quatro parafusos sextavados Allentare quattro viti a testa hexagonales M5x16 (SW8) con...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Sostituzione del motoriduttore Cambio del engranaje Troca da engrenagem Fig. 15: Fig. 15: Fig. 15: Allentare due viti a testa esagonale Desatornillar dos tornillos Soltar dois parafusos sextavados M6 (SW10) sulla flangia.
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3 842 532 542 (04.07) TS 2plus Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Bosch Rexroth AG (2x) SW10 "gleitmo 585K" (4x) Fig. 13...
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Bosch Rexroth AG Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies TS 2plus 3 842 532 542 (04.07) Sostituzione della cinghia dentata Cambio de la correa dentada Troca da correia dentada Fig. 14: Fig. 14: Fig. 14: Allentare 2 x 4 viti sulle teste motrici.