Lector de mano de códigos de barras de imagenlineal, de agarre manual, para uso general, contecnología inalámbrico de bluetooth (56 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para Datalogic Magellan 8100
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Ω Magellan 8100/8100 ® Ω and 8200/8200 Model 8204 shown Quick Reference Guide...
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Datalogic reserves the right to change any specification at any time without prior notice. Datalogic is a registered trademark of Datalogic S.p.A. and the Datalogic logo is a trademark of Datalogic S.p.A. all licensed to Datalogic Scanning, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names referred to herein are property of their respective owners.
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Agreement. If you do not intend to be bound to the terms of this Agreement, Data- logic is not willing to license the Software to you, you may not use the Datalogic Product or the Software, and you must contact the party from whom you acquired the Datalogic Product for instructions.
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Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii), whichever is applicable. If End User is using the Datalogic Product outside of the United States, End User must comply with the applicable local laws of the country in which the Datalogic Product is used, with U.S. export control laws, and with the English language version of this Agreement. The provisions of the "United Nations Convention on International Sale of Goods"...
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CONTENTS English ............................1 Francais .............................7 Deutsch ............................13 Italiano .............................19 Español ............................23 Portugues ..........................29 Chinese ............................25 Appendix A - Product Labeling ...................A-1 Appendix B - Laser Safety ....................B-1 Appendix C — Warranty .......................C-1 Quick Reference Guide...
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Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 and 8200/8200...
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Introduction Ω Ω ® scanners are the world’s smallest, most Magellan 8100/8100 and 8200/8200 versatile 360-degree scanners designed for supermarkets, hypermarkets, and mass merchandisers around the globe. An enhanced optical design has been combined with First Strike™ advanced decoding software for superior perfor- mance and productivity.
Weighing Items ™ The L-shaped All-Weighs platter allows you to place items anywhere on its surface, including leaning against its vertical section, to be weighed accurately. Once weighed items are in place, enter PLU (price Look-Up) data as L-Platter described in your POS system instruc- tions.
Table 1. Scale Zero Push Button Functions PRESS FUNCTION COMMENT DURATION When programmed to do so, the yellow LED should be lit when no weight is on the scale, indicating scale at Momentary Zero Scale zero. If it is not, press the switch to zero the scale. The unit will sound a “click”...
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DURATION COMMENT INDICATION Serves notice that a fatal FRU failure Audible low tone 1 second. Field Replace- has been detected. If a low tone is Alternating Green/Yellow LED able Unit (FRU) heard, but continuous flashing is not flashes continuously. Warning (Error observed, the scanner can still func- Mode) tion in a limited capacity.
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PRESS FUNCTION COMMENT DURATION Press the push button for approximately 2 sec- Hold, then onds, then release. Each time this is done, the release when the Increments tone beeper will sound at one of three tones. Stop beeper sounds when the desired tone (high, medium or low) is sounded.
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NOTES Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 and 8200/8200...
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Pour obtenir des informations plus détaillées sur la configuration, l'installation et la programmation, reportez-vous au Guide de Références Produits sont également disponibles en téléchargement sur le site Internet de Datalogic (http:// www.scanning.datalogic.com). Vous pouvez commander des copies imprimées des manuels auprès de votre représentant Datalogic (consultez la quatrième de couverture...
Lecture du poids des articles Le plateau All-Weighs™ en L vous permet de placer les articles n'importe où sur sa sur- face, y compris penché contre sa paroi verti- cale, pour être pesé de façon précise. Après avoir placé les articles à peser, intro- Plateau en L duisez les données PLU (appel de prix) de la manière décrite dans les instructions de...
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Tableau 4. Fonctions du bouton-poussoir de mise à zéro de la balance DURÉE FONCTION COMMENTAIRE ACTIONNEMENT Pour être programmé de la sorte, le voyant DEL jaune doit être allumé lorsqu'aucun poids n'est présent sur la balance, indiquant Mise à zéro de la Momentané...
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INDICATION DURÉE COMMENTAIRE Indique qu'une erreur fatale du module inter- Signal sonore bas 1 seconde. Voyant changeable a été détectée. En présence d'une DEL vert/jaune alternatif clignote de Alarme de module tonalité faible et de l'absence de clignotement manière continue. interchange- continu, le scanner peut encore fonctionner able(Mode d'erreur)
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DURÉE FONCTION COMMENTAIRE D'ACTIVATION Ce mode permet au personnel chargé de l'assistance du Mode de diagnostic du système de remédier aux problèmes du scanner. Pressez 4 secondes le bouton pendant 8 secondes, ou rallumer le pour sortir scanner du mode Diagnostique du Scanner et relancer le scanner. Remet le scanner à...
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NOTES Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 et 8200/8200...
Bedienung. Detailliertere Informationen über Einstellungen, Installation und Programmierung stehen Ihnen zum Herunterladen auch auf unserer Internet- seite www.scanning.datalogic.com zur Verfügung. Druckversionen der Hand- bücher erhalten Sie auch bei unseren Datalogic Niederlassungen, deren Kontaktadressen Sie auf der Rückseite finden. Bedienung Scannen von Produkten Zum Scannen ziehen Sie bitte die Produkte wie auf dieser Seite beschrieben über den Scanbereich.
Wiegen von Produkten Die L-geformte Wägeplatte erlaubt akkurates Wiegen ungeachtet dessen, wo das Produkt auf der Oberfläche pla- ziert wird. Zum Wiegen kann das Produkt auch gegen den ver- L-förmige Sicherheitswägeplatte tikalen Scanbereich gelehnt wer- den. Wenn das Produkt plaziert ist, geben Sie den Produktpreis ein wie in Ihrer Kas- sensystem-Beschreibung angegeben.
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Tabelle 7. Funktionen des "Null"-Schalters der Waage Betätigungs- Funktion Bemerkung dauer Wenn die Waage entsprechend programmiert ist, dann sollte, wenn Null-Stellung der die Waage auf “null” steht, die gelbe LED-Anzeige leuchten. Falls kurz Waage dies nicht der Fall ist, dann betätigen Sie bitte den "Null"-Schalter. Ein "Klick"...
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LED Anzeige Dauer Bemerkung Zeigt an, daß ein schwerer Hardwarefehler Akustischer niedriger Ton 1 Sekunde entdeckt wurde. Wenn ein tiefer Ton zu hören und die grüne/gelbe Anzeige blinkt Hardwarefehlerwar- ist, aber kein Blinken wahrgenommen wird, ist fortwährend nung (Fehlermodus) der Scanner unter Umständen noch einge- schränkt betriebsbereit.
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Betätigungs- Funktion Bemerkung dauer Dieser Modus erlaubt dem technischen Personal die Iden- tifikation von Problemen, die beim Scanner aufgetreten 4 Sekunden sind. Drücken Sie den Schalter für 8 Sekunden oder Scannerdiagnosemodus schalten Sie zum Verlassen des Scannerdiagnosemodus' den Scanner aus und ein und starten den Scanner neu. Nur das technische Personal sollte einen Reset durch- 8 Sekunden Scanner-Reset...
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NOTES Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 und 8200/8200...
Per informazioni più dettagliate sulla configurazione, l'installazione e la programmazione, consultare la Guida di riferimento prodotto possono inoltre essere scaricati dal sito web Datalogic (http://www.scanning.datalogic.com). I manuali cartacei possono essere ordi- nati presso il proprio rivenditore Datalogic (vedere informazioni sulla retrocop- ertina).
Pesatura dei prodotti Il piatto ad L All-Weighs™ consente di collo- care i prodotti su qualsiasi punto della superfi- cie, anche appoggiandoli contro la parete verticale, per essere pesati con precisione. Piatto a L Dopo aver collocato il prodotto da pesare, digi- tare i dati PLU (Price Look-Up) come descritto nelle istruzioni del sistema POS.
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Table 10. Funzioni del pulsante di azzeramento bilancia DURATA FUNZIONE NOTA Se opportunamente programmato, il LED giallo si accende quando non vi sono pesi sulla bilancia per indicare lettura Azzeramento Momentanea zero. In caso contrario, premere brevemente il pulsante per bilancia azzerare la lettura.
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SIGNIFICATO DURATA DURATA Il LED verde lampeggia con una Si verifica SOLO quando si preme il tasto sequenza codificata in abbina- tono/volume dopo una segnalazione FRU. mento ad un segnale acustic. Indicazione FRU Consente al tecnico riparatore di identifi- care il guasto FRU. a.
Guía de referencia producto incluidos en el CD de Manu- ales Datalogic en formato PDF. También puede descargar estos manuales del sitio web de Datalogic (http://www.scanning.datalogic.com). O puede solicitar copias impresas de los manuales a su representante de Datalogic, cuyos datos encontrará en la con- tratapa. Operación Uso de su escáner...
Pesado de objetos El plato de balanza All-Weighs™ con forma de "L" le permite colocar los objetos en cualquier lugar de su superficie, incluso puede apoyar los objetos con- tra la sección vertical, para pesarlos con precisión. Una vez que los objetos que se van pesar se Plataforma L encuentran en su lugar, ingrese el número de PLU (búsqueda de precio, en inglés) tal como se explica en las instrucciones del sistema POS.
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Tabla 13. Funciones del Botón pulsador de balanza en cero PRESIÓN DEL FUNCIÓN COMENTARIO BOTÓN Si está programado para hacerlo, el indicador luminoso amarillo debería encenderse cuando no hay peso sobre la balanza, con lo que Momentánea Balanza en cero indica que la balanza está...
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SIGNIFICADO DEL DURACIÓN COMENTARIO INDICADOR Tono audible bajo 1 segundo. Los Indica que se ha detectado una falla FRU fatal. Advertencia de indicadores luminosos verde y ama- Si se escucha un tono bajo, pero no se observa Unidad reem- rillo parpadean continuamente en parpadeo continuo, el escáner puede aún funci- plazable de campo forma alternada.
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PRESIÓN DEL FUNCIÓN COMENTARIO BOTÓN Mantener el botón Presione el botón pulsador durante aproximadamente 2 presionado y luego segundos y luego suéltelo. Cada vez que haga esto, se Aumenta el tono soltarlo cuando se oirán diferentes tonos (alto, medio o bajo). Deténgase escucha el tono cuando haya oído el tono deseado.
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NOTES Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 y 8200/8200...
Para obter informações mais detalhadas sobre configuração, instalação e programação, consulte o Guia de referência produto, incluídos no arquivo PDF do CD de manuais da Datalogic. Esses manuais também estão dis- poníveis para download no site da Datalogic (http://www.scanning.data- logic.com).
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Pesando os Produtos ™ O prato de pesagem All-Weighs , em formato de L, permite uma correta pesagem colocando os produtos em qualquer parte de sua superfície, incluindo pousar-los contra a parte vertical. O "Friso para Frutas" também oferece uma forma conveniente de Prato L assegurar que os itens não tenham contato com o balcão ou outras superfícies que não sejam para pesagem.
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Tabelle 16. Funções do Botão de Zero da Balança PRESSÃO FUNÇÃO OBSERVAÇÃO NO BOTÃO Quando programado para esta função, o LED Amarelo deverá estar aceso,quando não tiver nenhum peso sobre o prato de pesagem, Momentária Zerar a balança indicando que a balança está em zero. Se não estiver aceso, pres- sione o botão para zerar a balança.
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INDICAÇÃO DURAÇÃO OBSERVAÇÃO Avisa de uma falha fatal detectada em um FRU. Tom baixo audível 1 segundo. Pisca Field Replaceable Se o tom for baixo, porém não tiver o piscar de forma continua e alternada os Unit (FRU) contínuo, o scanner poderá continuar funciona- LEDs Verde e Amarelo.
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PRESSÃO NO FUNÇÃO OBSERVAÇÃO BOTÃO Este modo permite que o pessoal da assistência técnica possa detectar problemas com a balança. Pressione o Modo de Diagnóstico da 4 Segundos botão por 8 segundos, ou desligue/ligue a energia para Scanner sair do Modo de Diagnóstico do Scanner e reinicializar o scanner.
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NOTES Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 e 8200/8200...
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THIS LASER PRODUCT COMPLIES WITH 21CFR 1040 AS APPLICABLE AS A CLASS IIA PRODUCT 6-0945 PRODUCT SERVICE NRTL Use ONLY DATALOGIC AC/DC Power Supply ACN 073200496 Product of USA Input: 50 - 60 Hz (0.5 - 0.25A) Output: COVERED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING U.S. PATENTS: 4,709,369 4,749,879 4,792,666 4,798,943 4,799,164 4,861,972 4,861,973 +5V at 2.0A...
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Appendix B — Laser Safety International Caution Statements Class I English This scanner is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS/ CDRH 21CFR Subchapter J and to the requirements of IEC 825-1:2001. Class I and Class IIa products are not considered to be hazardous. The scanner contains internally a Visible Laser Diode (VLD) whose emissions do not exceed the maximum limits as set forth in the above regulations.
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sécurité relatives au laser. Le système optique ne peut être réparé qu’en usine. • Sont considérés comme instruments optiques les jumelles, les micro- scopes et les loupes. Les lunettes portées par l'utilisateur ne sont pas considérées comme tel. German Dieser Scanner ist den in den Vereinigten Staaten geltenden Vorschriften des DHHS/CDRH 21 CFR Subchapter J und den Vorschriften der IEC 825-1:2001 entsprechend bescheinigt.
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autorizzate può essere in violazione dei regolamenti di sicurezza rela- tivi all’impiego di raggi laser. Il sistema ottico può essere riparato soltanto in fabbrica. • l’impiego di strumenti ottici assieme al lettore fa aumentare il rischio di danni alla vista. Il termine “strumenti ottici” sta ad indicare binocoli, microscopi o lenti d’ingrandimento, ma esclude eventuali occhiali da vista indossati dall’utilizzatore.
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WAARSCHUWING • Men kan aan gevaarlijk laserlicht worden blootgesteld als de apparaten niet goed worden bediend of afgesteld, of als de procedures niet worden uitgevoerd zoals hierin beschreven staat. • Probeer niet om onderdelen in de opticaruimte te openen of er op enige wijze onderhoud aan uit te voeren.
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Luokka I tai Luokka II tuotteiden ei katsota olevan vaarallisia. Tutkain sisältää sisäisen näkyvän laserdiodin (Visible Laser Diode (VLD), jonka päästöt eivät ylitä yllä olevien säädösten asettamia maksimirajoja. Tutkain on suunniteltu siten, etteivät ihmiset altistu vaaralliselle lasersäteilylle normaalikäytön, käyt- täjän suorittaman huollon tai ohjeiden mukaisten huoltotoimenpiteiden aikana. VAROITUS •...
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Os produtos da Classe I ou Classe II não são considerados perigosos. O scanner contém internamente um Diodo de Laser Visível (VLD - Visible Laser Diode) cujas emissões não ultrapassam os limites definidos nos regulamentos mencio- nados acima. O scanner foi projetado de maneira que não exista acesso humano à...
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Chinese Japanese Ω Ω ® Magellan 8100/8100 and 8200/8200...
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Datalogic service center, with shipping charges prepaid. Datalogic shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Datalogic service center is located.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Datalogic hereby declares that the Equipment specified below has been tested and found compliant to the following Directives and Standards: Directives: EMC 89/336/EEC Low Voltage 73/23/EEC Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments 90/384/EEC Standards: EN55022-B:1998 - Generic Emission CISPR 22-B:1997 - Generic Emission...