Additional features
Additional features
Hygiene monitoring system
PRO1 MICRO reading system
PRO1 MICRO's incubation position allows the
quantitative analysis of products destined to the cleaning and
contamination control.
The IC10/20FRLCD can run a quantitative analysis of the PRO1
MICRO Hygiene Monitoring System, adjusted using a BSA
(Bovine Seric Albumin) standard curve. This analysis ensures
the traceability of the control of surface cleaning.
The method has a detection limit of 1 µg and a sensitivity of
0.3 μg. The result is indicated with a resolution of 0.1 μg, and
its accuracy is ± 0.5 μg (IC95%), in the range of 0 to 5 μg, and
±0.7μg (IC95%), in the range of 5 to 10 μg with a range of 10 μg.
Readings will be able to initiate once the incubation
temperature has been selected and is stable. The
lights corresponding to the selected temperature
(37 ºC or 60 ºC) will blink until the temperature
is reached, and then stay stable. PRO1 MICRO
readings must be performed at 60 °C.
Reading process
1.Press icon
. Then, the following screen will be displayed:
2.Use PRO1 MICRO pen to collect the sample of the surface to be
analyzed. To do this, follow the instructions described in Figure 1
(Also explained in the instructions for use of PRO1 MICRO).
3.Once the solutions contained within the device have been
correctly mixed, proceed with incubation (remember that the
reading cone must not contain the swab). For this, insert the
pen on the incubation/reading position (Figure 2). Make sure to
place PRO1MICRO as it is indicated on the auto-reader label.
Insert the pencil making sure that it stops at the bottom of
the reading position, if it is in the correct position, check that it
cannot be rotated (Figure 2).
4.Press icon
to start the incubation and reading process (15
minutes at 60 ºC). The equipment will return to the main screen
and the PRO status position light will remain blinking until the
reading ends.
If for any reason the reading needs to be cancelled
before it ends, PRO position should be re-entered by
pressing icon
seconds. The reading will be cancelled and its
corresponding ticket will be printed. The equipment
will display the main screen automatically.
Do not move or remove the pen from its position
during the reading process, this can cause erroneous
readings or even cancellation of the same.
If the auto-reader detects that the protein pen has
not been placed properly in the reading position, a
ticket will be printed indicating: "Pen not detected.
Check result visually".
It is not possible to reuse an already incubated
protein pen.
5.Once the incubation process is complete, an audible alarm
indicates the end of the program. The sample is read and the
protein value is calculated based on a BSA (Bovine Seric
albumin) calibration/standard curve. Then, the auto-reader will
print a ticket confirming the calculated protein concentration. If
the value is below the selected threshold, a green light
will appear, indicating a negative result, if it is by above the
selected threshold, a red light
positive result. In both cases, one of the lights of the PRO panel
will indicate the approximated rank of concentration calculated
between 1 to 5 µg; if the value exceeds the 5 µg all the lights on
the panel will light up. The threshold to determine a positive or
negative result can be configured using the Bionova
software. The configuration process is outlined in the Bionova
traceability software manual. The factory-set threshold is 1 µg.
To visualize the displayed protein value on the screen, press the
Finally press
NOTE: 30 seconds before the end of the program, the
auto-reader will emit an alarm that will last until the
reading is complete, notifying the operator that the
incubation time will be fulfilled. The color of the solution
can be used for a qualitative reading only if the pen is
removed once the program finalizes. If the pen is not
removed at that time, the color of the solution will
continue to evolve.
Figure 1
IC10/20FRLCD Page 12
. Then, press
will appear, indicating a
to return to the main screen.
Remove swab and add the
icon for 3