Kyosho EP JETSTREAM888 VE Manual De Instrucciones página 31

TROU BLE SHOOTING / M(�:IJ,� • • ! ?
Problem / 1.i'E tl!
Model doesn't move
IIJ fJ, t.;: I,\
Loss of Control
:::J ::, t-
-Jl,j;Jt � fJ\ f.j: I,\
Doesn't Run Straight
li; -:> "f" <' � G t.i: I.\
Doesn't Stop
!I: ii; €, f.j: I,\
Running Too Slowly
A �- t: fJt t1:1 t.;: 1.,
Instructions for usage of
RC EP boats and yachts in Salt water.
Please read these instructions carefully before using this RC boat on
salt water in order to prevent part of your model from salt water
corrosion (and corrosion in general).
Prior to starting you r boat, please check carefu lly the following
parts :
1 . Main shaft lubrication. Lubrication on this part of your boat prevents
ware and also ensures minimal water penetration.
2.Check the rubber seals on you r linkages to ensure again that there
are no water penetration issues and apply some grease if necessary
to assist prevention.
3.Check carefully you r electronics compartment and insure proper
seal on the cover. Ensure that surfaces are clean and seal the cover
with the enclosed tape, making sure there are no wrinkles or gaps on
the tape that might allow water to insert this compartment.
4.We highly suggest using an anticorrosive spray also prior to usage.
After Using you r Boat, please follow the instructions below.
1 .Turn your main switch off and do not open yet any of the sealed
compartments. With a sponge and tap water rinse the boat from salt
water so that it does not corrode any of the parts. In case you are not
able to wash your boat right after using it in salt water, we suggest a
good wash soonest possible after use with the assistance of some
dishwashing liquid.
2. Use a towel / tissues or kitchen paper to dry thoroughly the boat
and all sealed-off compartments in order to allow any trapped
humidity to dry. Check for indication of salt water in your boat, dry
immediately and try to clean salt residues.
3. Use anticorrosive spray on all the boats outer rigging and specially
on metal parts and screws in order to prevent any left salt from
damaging the parts.
Cause / /ffl. �
Power switch on the Hull or Transmitter i s not turned ON.
�-�•••mA�,��� � z � c � .
Transmitter batteries are wrong type or wrong polarity.
•••m ffl • m � ����- ���z � � .
There is not enough charge left in Transmitter batteries.
•••m mam¥.liiti<�c,,.
Batteries have r u n down .
lt" J T 1 ) - ©,'!ii!;;b<�t.;: ,,.
There i s not enough charge left in Transmitter batteries.
•••m fflam¥.liiti<�c,,.
Batteries have run down.
lt" / T ' ) - m,!Uiti<�t.;: ,,.
Main road or large steel pylon i s nearby.
"jc � CiiRJ\�$;�:b<Jli< IC: � � .
Rudder Trim i s not adjusted correctly.
'7-Y-- 1-- ' J .b. m illl � ti<iE L, < c ,,.
Throttle Trim is not adju sted correctly.
A r::l , 1--J� 1-- ' J .b.©illl!!!!:b<iE L, ( C ,,.
Batteries have run down.
lt" J T 1 ) - ©,'!ii!;;b<�t.;: ,,.
/ 7J<3ll��ffi9 7a>R/C=E:7'Jv"©
� Switch power on as per Instruction Manual P. 16.
mB,Elt!i l 6�- Ylc:t'b""C"iE u ( A-1'':.,7'-�.i\.nQ.
� Check polarity and type as per Instruction Manual P. 12.
maJH!i l 2�-Yli:t/E-:i""C"��cfoJ ��lit�°9Q.
� Change batteries as per Instruction Manual P.12.
mB,Ei'i' l 2�- Ylc:t'E-:i--rlit�uffi u \, 'iE�li:3' f li°9Qo
� Change batteries as per Instruction Manual P.21 .
mB,El'i!J2 1 �- Yli:t/E-:,""C"iE u ( 1tffl°9Qo
� Change batteries as per Instruction Manual P.12.
mB,El. 1 2�- Yli:t'E-:i""C"lit� uffi u\,,��t.::3'1::tl°9Qo
� Change batteries as per Instruction Manual P.21.
mB,Eili2 1 �-Yli:t'E-:i""C"iE u < 1f�°9Qo
� Run model in different area.
� l!litt; M � � x Q .
... � ake adjustme � t _ as _p er lnstructio � Manual P. 18.
m B,El 'i!J l 8 � - ::., li: t/E -:, ""C" iE u ( � � °9 Q o
... � ake adjustm �� t � s per lnstru � ion Manual P. 18.
mB,Eili l 8�- ::., li:t'E-:i""C"iE u ( ll\!1�°9Qo
... Change batteries as per Instruction Manual P.21 .
maJH!t2 1 �- Yli:t/E-:i""C"iE u < 1f�°9Qo
EPi"R- 1---¥>:3 o/ I-- OJ jE:Jili'i;�pfi";:J:, M l{!OJxg�!c::: -::>1, ,-c, :;js:;_i��l.i H ': ��
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