Clean Ing The Air Fil Ter El E Ment - Ammann ARW 65 Traducción Del Instrucciones De Servicio Original

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6.5.6 Clean ing the air fil ter el e ment

Change fil ter el e ment:
• If the fil ter el e ment or seal ing ring is dam aged
• Af ter clean ing twice
• If there are soot-con tain ing de pos its
• If moist or oily
• When en gine per for mance re duces or
• the col our of the ex haust gas changes
Never op er ate the en gine with out air fil ter el e ment
fit ted.
• Slacken off wing bolt (1) and re move it with cover (2).
• Care fully pull out fil ter el e ment.
• Use a jet of dry com pressed air (max. 5 bar / 72 psi) to blow
through the fil ter el e ment from the in side out wards, mov ing it
up and down at the same time, un til no fur ther dust emerges.
Wet or oily con ta mi na ti on
• Re new the fil ter car trid ge (3).
• Tilt the fil ter el e ment (3) and hold it against the light (or shine a
light through it) to trace any cracks or other dam age.
• Clean air cover (2) and -hous ing (4).
• Care fully pull in the fil ter el e ment (3).
• Check that val ve pla te (5) is cle an and in good con di ti on.
• Fit-up the co ver (2).
6. Main ten an ce
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