reMoVinG the SeAl And tip SeAl
1. Remove the tip (1) from the tip guard (2).
2. Insert the tip handle through the front
of the tip guard.
3. Push the tip seal (3) and tip seal
retainer (4) out through the back of
the tip guard.
identiFyinG tip SizeS
To identify tip sizes, use the following formula. A "517" tip size will be used in
this example.
The first digit multiplied by two represents the size of the spray pattern when
spraying 12" away from the work surface:
5 x 2 = 10" spray pattern
The second two digits represent the diameter of the orifice on the tip:
17 = .017" orifice
Worn spray tips will adversely affect the spray pattern and result in
reduced production, poor finish, and wasted material. Replace worn
tips immediately.