How to Make Soy Milk
1 cup or 160 g dry organic soy beans
6-8 cups of filtered water (1.5 to 2 liters)
salt, to taste
sugar, to taste (optional)
Optional Flavorings: vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate or
flavoring of choice
Equipment Needed:
Large Bowl
Strainer or fine sieve
4 Litre Utensil
Spoonula or large wooden spoon
1. Sort the soybeans and soak in enough filtered water to cover the beans by at least 1
inch (2.5 cm). Change the water every 6 to 8 hours, adding more to keep the beans
covered. The beans are ready when they are doubled (or more) in size and are easy to
cut or bite through.
2. Rinse the beans thoroughly. Although not necessary, you can remove the outer hulls
before pressing to improve the milk's flavor. To remove the hulls, cover the beans in
water, then rub them gently between your palms and fingers until the hulls come off
and can be rinsed away.
3. Assemble the juicer. Attach the Juice Outlet Stopper in the closed position.
4. Turn on the juicer and pour the soybeans into the feeder tube, alternate
between beans and filtered water, using roughly twice as much water as beans.
5. When the level reaches the 300 ml open the Juice Outlet Stopper and allow
the soy milk to flow out into the Juice Catcher. Close the Juice Outlet Stopper
and repeat steps 4 and 5.
6. Place a strainer over your 4 Litre utensil and pour in the soymilk allowing it to sit until
the soymilk no longer flows into the utensil, up to a maximum of half full. Use the
Spoonula or a large wooden spoon to press the remaining soymilk out.
7. Place the 4 Litre on the stove over medium low heat and bring the milk to a boil, stir
often. Stirring reduces the amount the soymilk will bubble. You can also pour a small
amount of filtered water into the utensil if it is bubbling too much.
8. Once the milk has boiled, add salt, flavoring and any sweeteners to taste. Turn the heat
to low and cook for another 20 minutes, continuing to stir to keep it from bubbling
9. Turn off the heat and allow the milk to cool before you use it or store it. Scoop out the
"skin" or film that forms on top.
10. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator up to one week.
You choose how thick you want the soymilk by either adding more or less water.
Soymilk is boiled to inactivate typsin inhibitors, improving nutritional value.
How to Make Tofu
Your Nutrex Press
includes a Tofu Kit so you can make tofu from your soy milk
• 8 cups soymilk (recipe above)
• Coagulant, one of the following
• 4 tsp liquid nigari
• 4 ½ tsp granular or powdered nigari
You can also subsitute with one of the
• 4 tsp Epson salts
• 8 Tbsp. Lemon Juice (freshly squeezed)
• 6 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
This may affect the texture or flavor of the final
product, however some people prefer tofu made this way.
• 1 cup filtered water
Equipment Needed:
• 3-Piece Tofu Kit
• Cooking thermometer
• 3 or 4 Litre utensil
• Large Frypan (28 cm)
• Spoonula or a large wooden spoon
• Skimmer/Server
1. Mix the coagulant into 1 cup of water.
2. Place the soymilk in the utensil and heat to between 150º F and 155º F (65º C - 68º C),
remove the utensil from the heat.
3. Add ½ of the coagulant mixture to the soymilk and stir vigorously 5 or 6 times. Stop
stirring and hold the Spoonula upright in the soymilk until the soymilk stops circulating.
4. Add the remaining ½ of the coagulant mixture and stir gently in a figure 8 pattern until
you see the soymilk start to coagulate. Cover the utensil and let it sit for 15 minutes.
The soymilk will form curds.
5. Place the Tofu Box in the Large Frypan. Line the Tofu Box with the Straining Cloth.
Using your Skimmer/Server, transfer the curds from the utensil to the lined Tofu Box.
6. Fold the Straining Cloth over the soy curds and place the Tofu Press Plate on top. Place
a weight between 1 and 2 pounds (500 grams to 1 kilogram) on top of the Tofu Press
Plate. Canned goods work well for this. Let stand for 15-20 minutes.
Tofu Kit
Tofu Press
Tofu Box