The voltage testers represent a valuable support for all testing
and measurement in handicraft and industrial applications as
well as for household uses.
The voltage testers FLUKE T100/T120/T140 charact-
erised by the following features:
Constructed in compliance with DIN EN 61243-3, DIN VDE
0682 Part 401 (previously DIN VDE 0680 Part 5), IEC61010
Fixed test probe cover eliminates risk of injury (VBG 1, §
35 Transporting Tools)
Digital LC-Display (only FLUKE T120 and FLUKE T140 )
Resistance measurement (only T140 )
DC and AC voltage measurement up to 690V
Single-pole phase test
Continuity test / diode test
Double-pole rotary direction determination
IP 65 (IEC 60529, EN 60529, DIN VDE 0470-1)
After unpacking, verify that the instrument is unda-
maged. The scope of supply comprises:
1 FLUKE T100, T120 or T140
2 Batteries 1,5V IEC LR03 AAA
1 Instruction manual
2.0 Safety Measures
The instruments FLUKE T100/T120/T140 have been construc-
ted and verified in compliance with the safety measures for vol-
tage testers DIN EN 61243-3, DIN VDE 0682 Part 401 (pre-
viously DIN VDE 0680 Part 5), EN 61010, and IEC 61010 and
have left the factory in safe and perfect condition.
In order to avoid electrical shock, the valid safety and VDE
regulations regarding excessive contact voltages must
receive utmost attention, when working with voltages ex-
ceeding 75V (60V) DC or 50V (25V)rms AC. The values
in brackets are valid for spezial ranges (for example me-
dicine and agriculture).
Prior to measurement ensure that the test leads and the
test instrument are in perfect condition.
When using this instrument only the handles of the pro-
bes may be touched .
This instrument may only be used within the ranges spe-
cified (see 6.0 Technical Data) and within voltage sy-
stems up to 690V
Prior to usage ensure perfect instrument function (e.g.
on known voltage source).
The voltage testers may no longer be used if one or se-
veral functions fail or if no functionalityis indicated.
Do not measure under damp conditions.
Perfect display is only guaranteed within a temperature
range of -10°C up to + 55°C, at relative humidity <85%.
If the operator's safety cannot be guaranted, the instru-
ment must be removed from service and protected
against use.
The safety can no longer be insured if the instrument:
shows obvious damage
transport. All relevant statutory safety regulations must be ad-
hered to when using this instrument.
has been stored for too long under unfavourable
has been subjected to mechanical stress during
does not carry out the desired me-