8 Display
The calculator has a liquid crystal display with 8 digits and special characters. The values that can be shown are divided into five
display loops. All data is retrieved using the push-button next to the display. At the start you are automatically in the main loop
(1st level).
By pressing the push-button longer than 4 seconds you change to the next display loop. Keep the push-button pressed until
you reach the desired information loop.
By pressing the push-button briefly each time you can scan all the information within a loop.
After 2 minutes of non-use of the push-button, the display will automatically be deactivated.
Level 1 / Main Loop:
1) Total heat energy since
start of operation
(standard display);
alternating display: cooling
energy (for heat/cooling
when negative flow;
information message (if an
error was detected)
5) Current date
alternating with
9) Pulse counter 1:
pulse value alternating
with reading
Up to the end of the month / the 15
Three pulse inputs are an option. They can be set using a suitable configuration software.
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Article no.: 1080619046
2) Segment test on / off
(all segments triggered
6) Information message
(alternating binary and
hexadecimal display)
10) Pulse counter 2:
pulse value alternating
with reading
of the month (for the semimonthly values) the consumption and date will be shown as
3) Last reading date
alternating with
heat energy
(cooling energy),
value tariff register 1, value
tariff register 2 at last
reading date.
(If the meter
has 3 pulse inputs, their
values follow.
7) Tariff register 1:
value alternating with tariff
register no. and criteria
11) Pulse counter 3:
pulse value alternating
with reading
Subject to technical change! Errors excepted.
4) Total flow volume in m³
8) Tariff register 2:
value alternating with tariff
register no. and criteria