Baby auto RODIAfix 946 Instrucciones página 11

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18. Por favor mantenga la silla de seguridad lejos de productos corrosivos.
19. No utilice ningún punto de fijación que no sean los descritos en las instrucciones
e indicados en la silla de seguridad.
20. En caso de accidente, aunque no haya daños aparentes, la silla puede resultar
insegura. Se recomienda que el dispositivo se cambie cuando haya sido sometido
a tensiones violentas.
21. El fabricante garantiza la calidad de sus productos, pero no la calidad de los
productos de segunda mano u otras marcas.
22. Las ilustraciones de las instrucciones son meramente informativas. El sistema de
retención infantil puede presentar pequeñas diferencias respecto a las fotografías
o imágenes del manual de instrucciones. Estas variaciones no afectan a su
homologación por la Regulación ECE 44/04.
23. Debe asegurarse que cualquier cinta o cinturón que sujeta al niño no quede
ni doblada ni retorcida y quede tensa. Actúe bajo el mismo criterio con los
cinturones del vehículo que sirven de sujeción para la silla.
The correct fitting of 3-point belt or the ISOFIX anchoring systems is of vital
importance for the safety of your child.
2. Under no circumstances should the safety seat be installed in the front seat of the
car opposite the direction of travel if the car is equipped with an active airbag.
3. This car seat is designed to offer the optimal safety in all installation modes
described in this manual.
4. This is an "Universal" and "Semi-Universal" child restraint system, it is approved
to regulation No. 44/04 series of amendments, for general use in vehicles and it
will fit most, but not at all, car seats.
5. A correct fit is likely if the vehicle manufacturer has declared in the vehicle
handbook that the vehicle is capable of accepting an "Universal" child restraint
system for this age group.
6. Ensure that the part of any abdominal belt or strap should rest as low as possible
over the child's hips, on both sides.
Please read the instructions carefully, as incorrect installation could result in
serious injury. If any injuries should occur as a result of incorrect installation, the
manufacturer will accept no liability.
8. The product has been approved according to the strictest European safety
standards (ECE R44/04) and is suitable for Group 0+ (0-13kg), Group 1 (9-18kg),
Group 2 (15-25kg) and Group 3 (22-36kg) with 3-point belt.
9. Please never use the safety seat without its cover or without the harness
10. Fastening a child dressed in outerwear could reduce the efficiency of the restraint system.
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