is momentaneous, in other words, it is energized a few moments after the remote control key is pressed (delay due
to the time it takes for the code to be recognized correctly). and is de-energized 300 ms after the key is released.
Fig. 4
In the relay modules the outputs are commanded by a clean contact (in other words, free from other con-
nections) of the normally open type. If a normally closed contact is necessary, this can be obtained by:
- Cutting the stretch of NO trace
- Joining the "NC" strips with a drop of tin.
Relay modules are available in the following
MXD = The module has a standard relay that
remains active for the entire duration of the com-
mand signal.
M X T = The module has a relay with a timer func-
tion; once activated it remains active for a time that
can be regulated from 3 to about 300 seconds.
MXP = The module has a step-by-step type
relay; each command signal switches the relay
from active to inactive state and vice versa.
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