Rupture valves VP
Caution: information containing important instructions for use. Failure to observe the instructions can lead to
Operative instructions
damage or danger.
Installers and maintenance staff are fully responsible for their safety while working.
Caution: information containing important instructions for use. Failure to observe the instructions can lead to
All the safety measures in force have to be carefully observed to prevent competent staff or any possible
damage or danger.
non-competent persons or objects, from damages or accidents during the installation or maintenance works.
Installers and maintenance staff are fully responsible for their safety while working.
All the safety measures in force have to be carefully observed to prevent competent staff or any possible
In case of works on the hydraulic installation, it is necessary to:
non-competent persons or objects, from damages or accidents during the installation or maintenance works.
• get the lift car always to beat the bottom directly on the buffers;
• make sure that the lift cannot be put into service unintentionally by blocking the main switch;
In case of works on the hydraulic installation, it is necessary to:
• get the oil pressure to zero before opening any part of the hydraulic circuit, removing caps or unscrewing fittings;
• get the lift car always to beat the bottom directly on the buffers;
• prevent cinders from getting in contact with oil, rod and its seals and all the elastic parts of the installation during
• make sure that the lift cannot be put into service unintentionally by blocking the main switch;
welding operations;
• get the oil pressure to zero before opening any part of the hydraulic circuit, removing caps or unscrewing fittings;
• get rid of the spilled oil and oil leakage; keep the installation always clean so that any leakage can be easily
• prevent cinders from getting in contact with oil, rod and its seals and all the elastic parts of the installation during
welding operations;
• get rid of the spilled oil and oil leakage; keep the installation always clean so that any leakage can be easily
Cleaning and anti-pollution measures
Cinders and dirt inside the hydraulic installation cause malfunctions and precocious wear.
All the installation components which are disassembled to be controlled or repaired, as well as pipes and fittings, have
Cleaning and anti-pollution measures
to be perfectly cleaned before being reassembled.
Cinders and dirt inside the hydraulic installation cause malfunctions and precocious wear.
Possible spilled oil from the circuit during repair operations has not to be spread in the environment.
All the installation components which are disassembled to be controlled or repaired, as well as pipes and fittings, have
Oil contaminated waste has to be put in
to be perfectly cleaned before being reassembled.
proper containers to prevent pollution of the environment.
Possible spilled oil from the circuit during repair operations has not to be spread in the environment.
Waste oil has to be carefully collected in proper containers to be then disposed of by specialized companies, according
Oil contaminated waste has to be put in
to the regulations in force in the country of operation.
proper containers to prevent pollution of the environment.
Waste oil has to be carefully collected in proper containers to be then disposed of by specialized companies, according
Working principle
to the regulations in force in the country of operation.
The rupture valve is principally made up by a steel body, a moving piston, a spring and a regulation screw.
The free section of the valve passage is determined according to the piston position inside the valve body.
Working principle
The piston is held in place by the spring and its position depends on the regulation screw.
The rupture valve is principally made up by a steel body, a moving piston, a spring and a regulation screw.
If the rupture valve has been correctly regulated, when the car moves at the nominal speed, the oil goes through the
The free section of the valve passage is determined according to the piston position inside the valve body.
valve, with no relevant pressure fall.
The piston is held in place by the spring and its position depends on the regulation screw.
While, when the downward speed increases, the oil flow through the valve increases too, causing a rise also in the
If the rupture valve has been correctly regulated, when the car moves at the nominal speed, the oil goes through the
pressure fall; the cylinder pressure results consequently to be higher than the one in the pipe.
valve, with no relevant pressure fall.
The pressure difference, acting on the piston section, produces a force higher than the spring force, the piston moves
While, when the downward speed increases, the oil flow through the valve increases too, causing a rise also in the
slowly until it closes the oil passage.
pressure fall; the cylinder pressure results consequently to be higher than the one in the pipe.
The pressure difference, acting on the piston section, produces a force higher than the spring force, the piston moves
Sizes, use ranges, weights
slowly until it closes the oil passage.
OMARLIFT rupture valves are manufactured in different sizes and can be used in the following ranges:
Sizes, use ranges, weights
Outlet R
OMARLIFT rupture valves are manufactured in different sizes and can be used in the following ranges:
flow rate
Outlet R
VP 114
1" ¼
flow rate
VP 112
1" ½
VP 200
VP 114
1" ¼
VP 112
1" ½
VP 200
Example label VP Omarlift
The QR code for the traceability of safety devices is printed on the labels. Within the QR code you can find some
Example label VP Omarlift
fields that identify the contents, such as the product name, release, revision, identification number, serial number,
manufacturer name, etc..
The QR code for the traceability of safety devices is printed on the labels. Within the QR code you can find some
fields that identify the contents, such as the product name, release, revision, identification number, serial number,
Soggetto a modifica senza preavviso! - Subject to change without notice
manufacturer name, etc..
Soggetto a modifica senza preavviso!- Subject to change without notice
Viscosity range
Room temperature
Viscosity range
Room temperature
25 ÷ 400
0 ÷ 65
25 ÷ 400
0 ÷ 65