.P. SELECTA s.a.u.
The software panels:
The batch panel:
Entry the batch general data on this panel:
Lab. Name: Entry the laboratory name that will appear on the report.
Set operator name: Entry the batch operator name.
Protein factor: Entry the protein factor according to sample type.
Sample size: Entry the quantity of samples that the batch has.
Sample: Choose, using the << and >> keys, the sample and entry the weight
(It can be modified).
Weight: Entry sample's weight.
Once all samples' weights are entered, press "OK" to return to the main panel.
The main panel: (batch analysis)
General data: (upper left corner) General batch data.
Sample results: (left side) Results of last sample analysed:
Sample Nr: Number of sample in the batch.
Analysis: Analysis number.
Normality: Number of sample in the batch.
Sample weight (mg): Sample weight.
Reagent (ml): Reagent volume consumption on the titration.
Nitrogen (mg): Detected nitrogen.
Protein (%): Sample protein contents in %.
Batch results: (upper right table) this table summarizes the batch samples
Global batch results: (down right corner) results of the batch:
Protein % average: Batch average protein contents.
RSD (%): Relative standard deviation (over average)
Autovía A-2 Km 585.1 Abrera 08630 (Barcelona) España
(It can be modified without notice)
Tel 34 937 700 877 Fax 34 937 702 362
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