The Papoose Infant Spine Immobilizer is specifically designed for infants:
our smallest, most important patients. This spinal stabilization device is
engineered to meet the unique anatomical and physiological needs of
Broselow Gray infants (birth to three months). For continued pediatric
spinal care, Ossur offers the Miami Jr.
and Lil' Angel
more information about these distinctive pediatric products.
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of,
a physician.
A Latex-Free Product
Your child's doctor has determined that wearing a Papoose Infant Spinal
Immobilizer will aid in rehabilitation by maintaining the spine and airway
in the proper alignment while healing. The Papoose is designed to
accommodate the relatively large size of an infant's head. True to Ossur's
patented AirWay design, the rigid plastic brace also allows for proper
airway alignment, even in the supine position. This pamphlet will explain
the things you and your child's caregivers should do to properly care for
your infant while in the Papoose, both at the hospital and at home. You
can help your infant's healing process by following the nurse and doctor's
instructions and the guidelines in this pamphlet.
A. Leg (Perineal) Strap
B. Waist Strap
C. Collar Strap
D. Head Strap
Two or three people are needed for initial Papoose placement: at least
one to maintain the infant's head, neck and airway in proper alignment;
and one to apply and fit the brace.
1. Using proper c-spine precautions, position infant with arms to the
side, shoulders down and head aligned centrally (nose over belly
button) (Figure 2).
The Papoose's shape accommodates the occipital offset and maintains
correct airway and spinal alignment. The Papoose also protects against
positional plagiocephaly (flattened head).
2. Carefully log roll the infant and center the Papoose behind the head
and torso (Figure 3).
3. Roll the infant into the Papoose. Make sure that the blue Sorbatex™
padding extends beyond all plastic edges (Figure 4).
4. Apply the head strap. Feed the strap through the slot on the opposite
side of the infant's forehead and then back upon itself to attach end
to hook and loop fastener (Figure 5). The length of leg strap is
adjustable to accommodate varying body lengths. To adjust, lift up
blue pad at bottom of the brace and unbutton bottom strap. Refasten
using the appropriate hole for your infant's body length (Figure 6).
Pediatric Halo. Please contact Ossur at 1-800-257-8440 for
collars, Occian
AirWay PAD™