Pro Breast Pump Parts
a Affinity Pro Tubing
a1 Silicone Tubes 300 mm (2)
a2 Silicone Tube 600 mm
a3 Affinity Pro Tubing Y Connector
a4 Affinity Pro Tubing Strap
a5 Affinity Pro White Pump Connnector
b Breastmilk Expression Set Includes:
b1 Affinity Pro ComfortFit
Breast Flange (2)
b2 Affinity Pro Breast Flange Body (2)
b3 Affinity Pro Diaphragm (2)
b4 Affinity Pro Diaphragm Cap (2)
b5 Affinity Pro White Valve (2 + 2 extra)
b6 Affinity Pro 5 oz (150 ml) Container (2)
c Affinity Pro Container Ring (2) and Disk (2)
d Affinity Pro AC Adapter/power cord
e Affinity Pro Bottle Holder (2)
Two extra white valves (b5) are included. Larger size flanges are separately available
for sale. To order replacement part or larger size flanges please call 800-292-4794
or visit for details.
Item Number
Before Each Use...
Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the
Breastmilk Expression Set, the pump body, or other attachments.
Disassemble the Breastmilk Expression Set to clean. Set aside the tubing as it
does not need to be washed or sterlized.
Ensure that the tubing is free of any liquid or moisture. Do not operate the pump
if liquid or moisture is visible in the tubing.
Unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare provider, follow these sanitizing and
cleaning instructions.
1. Prior to using the set for the first time, disassemble and boil all parts of the
Breastmilk Expression Set (Includes b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, and b6) that come into
contact with breastmilk for 10 minutes.
Note: Ensure you use enough water to keep parts afloat while boiling.
Note: Do not boil the tubing and tubing connector.
2. Remove all parts from water immediately after boiling.
3. Completely air dry before assembly and next use.
Note: Partially dried parts may affect operation of the pump.
Please ensure parts are completely dry before use.
Set aside the tubing and tubing connector. These items do not need to be
washed or sanitized because the diaphragm prevents them from coming into
contact with the breastmilk.
The breast flange (b1) and containers (b6) may be cleaned in the upper compart-
ment of your dishwasher or hand washed with dish soap in hot water. For best
results, we recommend using a baby bottle brush to clean the container and a
baby nipple brush to clean the insides of the breast flange. DO NOT use solvents
or abrasives. Rinse with hot, clean water.
All other parts of the Breastmilk Expression Set (b2,b3,b4,b5) should be hand
washed with dish soap in hot water to prevent loss and extend their usefulness.
To clean your breast pump, wipe the base with a damp cloth, using only water
or mild soap.
Note: The Affinity Pro™ pump is designed as a closed system to prevent
breast milk from contacting the tubing or tubing connector.
If you see breast milk, liquid, or any debris inside the tubing
or tubing connector do not attempt to wash, clean or sterilize the
tubing or tubing connector. Instead, contact Lansinoh at 800-292-4794.
Note: Before using the Breastmilk Expression Set, visually inspect
the individual components for cracks, chips, tears, discoloration or
deterioration, as this may affect the functionality of the Breastmilk
Expression Set. Please visit or
call 1-800-292-4794 for further guidance and replacement parts.
Note: For best results, make sure the diaphragms are completely dry
before use.
Cleaning Instructions