All cable cut ends must be clean and burr
free. We recommend a Felco type cutter
that encircles the cable as it cuts it. When
inserting a cut end of the cable into fittings, it
is important to rotate the cable and/or fitting in
the direction that is "with the lay" of the strand
to avoid "unraveling" the cable strands.
Insert cut cables into fittings approximately
1 1/
" until you feel it rest against a hard stop
(Fig. 35), then pull against the fitting to secure
the wedges in the fitting (Fig. 36).
NOTE: Full insertion of the cable is
CRITICAL to fitting performance under
tension! Cable CAN be removed at this
point using the cable release key (sold
separately, item 73025484).
Once the cable is locked into one end of the
fitting, feed the other end through the mid-
baluster support (required for cable spans over
42" long) (Fig. 37).
Pull the cable taut alongside the extended lag
with tensioner, and mark the cable at the score
line indicated on the body of the tensioner as
shown in Figure 38. Use your cable cutters to
cut the cable at this mark.
(Fig. 35)
(Fig. 36)
(Fig. 37)
(Fig. 38)