If you have trouble filling the confirmation window, please contact your health
care professional or local customer service for assistance.
The used lancet and test strip may be biohazardous. Please discard them
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly after handling the meter, lancing device
and test strips to prevent infection. For more information, please refer to the
5. Read your result
The result of your test will appear after
the meter counts down to 0. The result
will be stored in the memory
6. Eject the used test strip
Eject the test strip by pushing the eject
button on the side. Dispose of the used
test strip in a sealed trash container or
one that's out of the reach of pets or
children. The meter will switch itself off
Take the lancet out carefully. Place the
disk on a hard surface and push the
exposed tip into the protective disk.
When removing the lancet, follow the
instructions from the lancing device