3.4.4 - Err 53: [Start button pressed at power up].
This error (Start button pressed at power up) is generated when the power source is
powered up while the torch start button is pressed.
3.4.5 - Err 55: [Electrode end-of-life detection]
This error (Electrode end-of-life or short circuit between electrode or nozzle) is
generated when an operating anomaly is detected in consumables
Torch consumables in good condition
♦ Replace consumables.
3.4.6 Err 67 [AC supply voltage out of range].
This error (Supply voltage out of range) is generated when one of the following
situations is detected:
Incorrect phase shift between mains voltage phases
Incorrect mains voltage value.
Mains voltage value less than 174 V for 208/220/230 V range.
Mains voltage value greater than 270 V for 208/220/230 V range.
Mains voltage value less than 343 V for 400/440 V range.
Mains voltage greater than MAX400V.
Incorrect phase shift between mains voltage phases could be generated by
swapping a phase with neutral or a missing phase.
Immediately after powering up the power source, control board (48) reads the
voltage level between 1 (+) and 10 (-) of its connector CN2. Voltage level is proportional
to the mains voltage value. Based on this reading, relays RL1 and RL2 on service filter
board (7) are activated to adapt the power source to the mains voltage present. The
adaptation is carried out once only when the power source is powered up.
The mains connections are correct and the mains voltage is within acceptable limits.
Reconnect themains connections correctly.
♦ Replace control board (48)
♦ Replace centralised attachment if damaged
♦ Replacetorch.
♦ Replace service filter board (7).
♦ Check the connections between connector CN1 of
service filter board (7) and connector CN9 of control
board (48);
♦ Replace control board (48)