S. Anti-Tips
Anti-tip tubes help prevent your wheelchair from tipping over backwards. When adjusted properly
they provide a significant increase in rearward stability. Your stability can be affected by traversing
uneven ground, a ramp, slope or other surface that changes your relationship to gravity. Your
stability can also be affected by other forces acting on you and your wheelchair, such as someone
pushing down or leaning on your push handles or other parts of your chair. This can happen to even
the most experienced wheelchair user. People in your environment do not necessarily understand
they are impacting your stability.
1. Installing Anti-Tips (Fig. 26)
a. Compress the 2nd detent button (Fig. 26:A) on the
anti-tip tube so the front detent button is drawn
b. Insert the anti-tip tube into receiver mounted on the
side frame.
c. Rotate the anti-tip tube downward until the small
wheels are adjacent to the floor. The detent button
should now be aligned with a hole on the receiver.
Release the detent button and it will engage with
the receiver.
d. Insert second anti-tip tube the same way.
2. Adjusting Position of Anti-Tip Receiver (Fig. 27)
You should only need to adjust your Anti-Tip Receiver if you change your chair. If you make changes
that require you to adjust the position of your receiver, follow these steps:
a. Remove bolts that connect the anti-tip tube receiver to the
side frame of your chair.
b. The holes are in 1" (2.54 cm) increments so you can move it
farther up on the frame or lower on the frame. Place the
bracket at the desired height.
c. Reinsert bolts and tighten. (If the bolts also connected the
armrest and the axle plate you may need to contact your
supplier for additional hardware)
d. Repeat with second anti-tip tube receiver. Both brackets
should be at exactly the same height.
e. Replace anti-tip tubes as instructed above.
Fig. 27
Fig. 26