Insert sear burner grease tray into position below sear burner shelf.
Inserte la bandeja para grasa en su posición, abajo de la repisa del mechero lateral.
From the front of cart, place LP Tank into the hole in bottom panel. Connect regulator
to the LP tank as follows:
1.LP tank must be properly secured onto grill.
2.Turn all control panel knobs to OFF position,
3.Turn LP tank OFF by turning OPD hand wheel clockwise to a full stop.
4.Remove the protective cap from LP tank valve. Always use cap and strap supplied
with valve.
5.Hold regulator and insert nipple into LP tank valve. Hand-tighten the coupling nut,
holding regulator in a straight line with LP tank valve so as not to cross thread the
6.Turn the coupling nut clockwise and tighten to a full stop. The regulator will seal on
the back-check feature in the LP tank valve, resulting in some resistance. And
additional one-half to three quarters turn is required to complete the connection.
Tighten by hand only- do not use tools.
Desde el frente del carro, coloque el tanque de gas LP en el orificio del panel inferior.
Conecta el regulador al tanque de propano líquido como sigue:
1.Tanque de gas LP debe estar asegurado adecuadamente en parrilla.
2.Gire el control de los mandos del panel OFF posición,
3.Apagar tanque de gas LP por girar el volante OPD en sentido horario para
detenerse por completo.
4.Retire la tapa protectora de válvula de tanque de gas LP. Utilice siempre la correa
suministrada con la válvula y tapa.
5.Sujete el regulador e introduzca el pezón en válvula de tanque de gas LP. Apriete a
mano la tuerca de acoplamiento, con regulador en línea recta con la válvula de
tanque de gas LP para que no se barra la conexión.
6.Turn the coupling nut clockwise and tighten to a full stop. The regulator will seal on
the back-check feature in the LP tank valve, resulting in some resistance. And
additional one-half to three quarters turn is required to complete the connection.
Tighten by hand only-do not use tools.