address book
To store and call address book entries, see
page 14.
voice dial an address book entry
(name dial)
Voice dial a number stored in the address
Press and release the voice key.
When prompted, say "name dial" (within
two seconds). When prompted again, say
the entry's name (within two seconds).
Your phone matches your voice to an
address book entry name. To voice dial a
number not stored in the address book, see
page 57.
other features—address book
assign a speed dial key to an address
book entry
You can assign the keys 1 through 9 to
address book entries. Then, when you press
and hold a key, your phone calls the entry.
Note: Your service provider might assign
some keys, such as 1 for your voicemail
number. You can only speed dial the address
book entries stored on your phone (not on
your SIM card).
Press s > = Address Book and scroll to the
address book entry. Then, press Options
> Add to Speed Dial and pick a speed dial key.
use the speed dial key for an address
book entry
To use a speed dial key that you assigned
to an address book entry, just press and
hold the key while in your home screen.