T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
The following information is intended to help you
troubleshoot and solve simple operational problems that
you may experience when using your H850 Portable.
1. The H850 Portable does not pulse after filling.
If during the filling process, the H850 Portable is dis-
engaged with the vent valve lever down, pressure may
be reduced within the H850 Portable causing a delay
in the conserving device function. It may require as
much as 60 minutes to restore adequate pressure for
accurate oxygen flow. Additionally, improper filling
or lower than normal operating pressure in the Reser-
voir will contribute to the H850 Portable not pulsing.
2. The H850 Portable makes a hissing sound.
Hissing can occur to maintain the correct operating
pressure within the H850 Portable. It is most likely to
hiss after filling or when the position of the H850 Por-
table is changed. Hissing can last for approximately
10 minutes after filling. Additionally, it can occur
when the flow control valve is at a low setting.