A c c e s s o r i e s
The following accessories are available to help you obtain
the most benefit from your H850 System.
Dual-Lumen Cannula
An oxygen cannula delivers oxygen from the H850
Portable to your nose. The cannula has two
connections: One senses when you inhale; the other
delivers oxygen to you while you inhale.
Oxygen Supply Line
The supply line is used to connect your H850
Portable to your Reservoir. When the H850 Portable
is connected, the oxygen you breathe comes from
the Reservoir. For instructions on how to connect
the supply line refer to the section in this
manual, Connecting the H850 Portable to the
HELiOS Reservoir.
Roller Base
The roller base allows the liquid oxygen delivery
person to roll the Reservoir to your door before
taking it from the house to fill. It is not
recommended to patients to roll the Reservoir
around frequently in the house. The Reservoir is
very heavy and should not be tipped over.
H850 Portable Back Pack
The H850 Portable Back Pack makes it convenient
to carry the H850 Portable with you wherever
you go.