Remove the belt (1). Loosen the screws and remove them
with the belt pulleys (2). Grease the shaft end against fret-
ting rust. Mount new belt pulleys and belt. Tension the belt
using the setscrew. Mount the cover.
Belt tension 2900min
Belt tension 1450min
3.1.2 t
ABle OF AVAilABle trAnslAtiOns
See pages 2-5.
3.2 c
3.2.1 c
OntrOl OF the mAchine
The motor can be turned on and off only (no frequency
converter installed).
3.3 t
3.3.1 i
nstAllAtiOn OF cOllet chuck
Insert the collet chuck into the clamping nut until the pull-
out knob snaps into the groove of the chuck. Screw the
clamping nut together with the collet chuck onto the drive
spindle. Insert the tool into the chuck and tighten down
the clamping nut to a maximum torque of 16Nm.
ER16 / DIN 6499.
4. s
4.1 p
reVentiVe mAintenAnce
4.1.1 s
AFety meAsure priOr tO mAintenAnce
Switch off the machine and separate from power
4.1.2 m
AintenAnce instructiOns
Check belt tension after the first 50 operating hours.
4.1.3 l
uBricAtiOn chArt
No lubrication required.
4.1.4 c
Clean fully extended quill periodically.
4.2 t
4.2.1 m
No reaction to the start signal: Check for correct function-
ing of inductive sensors.
4.2.2 r
Apid trAVel
Rapid travel functions only sluggishly, for not at all: Check
air compression value (5-7bars). Check air line for kinks.
Rapid travel functioning, but not followed by drilling travel:
Check adjustment of braking cylinder.
4.3 r
If despite strict observance of the manufacturing and test-
ing method the machine should happen to fail, it must be
repaired by an authorized SUHNER agency.
In all orders to the manufacturer please indicate the ma-
chine serial number (1).
4.4 w
In the event of the tool being improperly handled, used
for purposes for which it is not intended and/or of the ser-
vice and maintenance instructions not being observed by
non-authorized persons, no warranty shall be in effect for