1. n
1.1 g
enerAl nOtes On sAFety
This operation manual is applicable for the machine BEM
The machine may only be handled by personnel
who are qualified.
1.2 u
se OF the mAchine FOr purpOses FOr
which it is intended
The machine is suitable for all machining operations need-
ing axial force and torque like drilling, reverse drilling, chip
breakage, countersinking, and reverse countersinking.
This machine is specifically ideal for plant construction.
1.3 i
ncOrrect use
All uses other than those described under section
1.2 are regarded as incorrect use and are there-
fore not admissible.
1.4 d
eclArAtiOn OF incOrpOrAtiOn
The manufacturer Otto Suhner AG of Industriestrasse 10,
CH-5242 Lupfig, hereby declares for the partly completed
machinery (see reverse side for type and serial no.) that
the following fundamental requirements of the Directive
2006/42/EC are applied and fulfilled in accordance with
Annex I: 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.7,, 1.5.1,
1.5.4, and 1.6.1. Technical documentation was generated
for the partly completed machinery in accordance with
Annex VII of the Machinery Directive. Document Agent:
I. Sebben. Authorised sites are provided with this techni-
cal documentation in paper or electronic form on justified
request. This partly completed machinery may be put into
operation only when the machine in which the partly com-
pleted machinery is to be incorporated has been ascer-
tained to fulfil the conditions under the Machinery Direc-
tive. CH-Lupfig, 01/2019.
I. Sebben/Division manager
2. c
2.1 A
ssemBly instructiOns
Maximum admissible machine fastening error.
The machine is fastened at the bores provided in
the housing.
Screws of quality grad 8.8 must be used. The starting tor-
que for the holding down bolt is maximum 12Nm.
otEs on
Connect the cables only after the machine has
been completely installed.
2.2 c
Onnecting the pOwer tO the mAchine
2.2.1 m
Before the power is connected to the motor, position the
terminal stripe jumpers according the mains power volt-
age (230 V, 400 V, 460 V).
After the power has been connected to the motor
the direction of rotation of the working spindle has
to be checked. If the direction of rotation is incorrect, re-
verse the direction by exchanging any two power wires.
2.2.2 p
rOximity switch
The proximity switches are supplied (feed voltage 24
VDC) by a separate power supply or the higher level con-
troller. The machine is provided with inductive or pneu-
matic signaling elements alternatively.