User Manual //
In some geographical regions the terrestrial digital television signal may be weak.
In this case use an aerial that can amplify this signal so you can see all the avai-
lable channels.
There is no signal
No picture or sound
channel message
The remote control is
not responding
You have forgotten the
password for
unlocking a channel
You have forgotten the
password for
unlocking a menu
After moving the unit
to another room it can
no longer tune to cer-
tain digital channels
Easy Home TDT Compact DS
Possible cause
The aerial is
The aerial is damaged /
poorly connected
Out of range of the digital
It is tuning to a digital
teletext channel
The channel is encrypted
Unit switched off
You are not aiming the
control correctly
Front panel blocked
Control batteries
are spent
The aerial signal may be
passing through a distri-
bution system that makes
it weaker.
What to do
Check the aerial cable
Check the aerial
Check with your provider
Tune to another channel
Select another channel
Plug in the unit and turn
it on
Point the control at the
front panel of the unit
Check that there are no
obstacles between the
unit and the control
Delete the channel and
retune the channels.
Try using the default
password: '0000'
Return to the default fac-
tory settings.
Try connecting directly to
the aerial.