Proceed as follows (see Fig. 55 page 89):
• Remove the rear panel (see Fig. 54 page 88).
• After these operations you can have access at the following components: geared motor (3), ignition
plug (5), ambient fan (8), fume fan (7), ambient probe (10), fume probe (9), thermostat (6), electronic
board (1), pressostat (4). For cleaning or replacemente of the auger it is necessary to unscrew the three
bolt of the geared motor (3) and to extract it, unscrew the two screws lying under the geared motor of
the auger, remove the hand rejector inside the hopper and then unscrew the inner bolt of the auger.
• To assembly proceed at the contrary.
Fig. 53 - Shutter with fuses to remove
Fig. 54 - rear panel removal