Especificaciones - KETRON SD90 Manual Del Usuario

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Poliphony : 128 note. Multitimbral 64 parts.
Display : Lcd color Tft 7". Touch screen capacitive 800 x 480 dots. Brightness control.
Sound & Voices : 672 GM Sounds. 5 Sound Banks. 61 Drum Sets. 368 Preset Voices. 1500 User
Voices. 2nd Voice. V-Tone. Advanced Voice Editing. Voice List : 80 Voices programmable and Style
assignable. Filter and Resonance live controls.
Live Drum : Up to 100 Stereo Live Drums. Wav streaming with Time stretching and 3 Band stereo
Equalizer. Full Arranger structure with ABCD, Fill, Break, Intro-End.
Live Guitar : 150 audio Live Guitars (Folk Acoustic, Electric, Nylon). Stereo and Mix version.
Grooves : 530 Grooves with Latin Percussions, Brazilian, individual and full Drums loops.
Audio Drum (Grv) : 159 sliced audio Drums loops. Full Arranger structure with ABCD, Fill, Break,
Arranger : 400 styles. 140 Live Styles with Live Drums, Live Guitars and Grooves. Compatibility
with User Audio Drum @ from Audya series and SD Series (SD7, SD40, SD80). 4 Arranger ABCD. 4
Fill. 4 Break. 3 Intro. 3 Ending. Auto Fill. Fill to Arrange. To End. Reintro. Key Start. Key Stop.
Restart. Pause. Count In. Midi Drum Mixer & Remap. Drum Boost. 4 Voice Variations. Voice to
ABCD. Voice List assign to Style. 5 User Tabs. Pianist and Bassist mode. Manual Bass. Bass to
Lowest. Bass to Root.
Style Edit : Full Pattern creation and Editing. Functions : Record, Copy, Clear, Quantize, Velocity,
Octave. User Style section ( unlimited disk locations).
Live Modeling : Style Live Modeling Library with Live Drums, Grv (Audio Drum Loops), Live
Guitars, Grooves, Bass, Piano, Guitar, Orchestral and Synth templates.
Launchpad : Up to 2048 Launchpad projects. 12 pads with 6 Scenes. 30 internal demos. 3 x Wav
simultaneous with Time stretching and Midi synchronization. Functions : Record, Phase, Song,
Single/Loop, Pad control, Harmonic/Melodic mode, Live Efx pad control. Drum kit Looper. Style
Import. Full interaction with Style Live Modeling.
Player : Double Player. Files recognized : Wav, Midi , Mp3, Mp4, Avi, Mov, Flv, Cdg, Jpg, Txt, Pdf.
Functions : Marker. Sync/Next. Autoplay. Lead Mute. GM part. Lyric Off. Cross fade. File Search.
Play List. My Folder. Transposer. Time stretching. Metronome Click. Midi Multimix. Song Drum
Restyle. Audio and Midi synchronize.
Audio Multitrack Player :5+1 Audio tracks with separate slider control. Metronome click out.
DJ : Double Audio and Midi player with Tempo & Pitch stretching, Pfl, Sync, Tap tempo, Cue, Fx
Pad, Backspin, Brake.
Juke Box : Play List, My Folders, SFX Special Effects.
Pic& Movie : Jpg & Mp4, Avi, Mov, Flv, Karaoke background, Movie/PDF To RGB, Pic List,
Dvi : Video Monitor Out, Karaoke Lyric / Mirror.
Menu : Disk, Midi, Play Modes, Audio Edit, Language, Footswitch, Preferences, Controls, Video,
Reg. Set up, Arabic Mode.
Media : Internal Storage: SSD Card 16G. Usb: 3 Host + 1 device. Sd Card slot.
Play Modes : Master keyboard. Accordion Style and Classic. Organ (with Pedalboard). Guitar
mode with Efx (thru Input).
Keyboard Control : Live Efx Chain editing. Aftertouch, Portamento, Double controls.
Registrations : 4 Banks x 1024 Regs. Full Panel and function programming. 4 Playbox with 1024
files per folder ( including Midifile, Mp3, Wav).
Dsp : 2 x DSP with 2 separate Reverb units, Chorus, Reverb, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Rotary,
Autopan, Echo Delay, Tap Delay, Equalizer, Distorsion, Amp simulator, Compressor, Filter. 64
Insert EFX Chains (10 User programmable ).
Recording : HD Recording. 1 Stereo track. Loop. Audio Edit with Cut, Normalize. Midi Recording
with Phrase and Song.
User Memory : up to 400 MB free User programmable.
Micro : XLR Input. Gain control. Volume. Reverb. Micro On/Off Edit. Talk.
Voicetron : 3 Voice Voicetron. Manual, Unison, Midi Mode, Pitch Corrections, Autotune, Harmony
Duet & Trio. 10 Voicetron User.
Instruction Manual : Html on board.
Midi : In1 ( Gm ), In 2 (Keyb). Out. Thru. Midi Set up : Standard, Computer & Sequencer,
file:///F|/espanol/00_specifications.html[28/02/2020 17:21:22]


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