Pos : 72 /DinA4 - Anl eitungen Onli ne/Inhalt/KN X/D oor Entr y/Bedienung/Absc hl uss widerstand setzen 83220-AP- xxx @ 19\mod_1310723392369_15.doc x @ 107841 @ @ 1
Fig. 24:
Pos : 74 /DinA4 - Anl eitungen Onli ne/Inhalt/KN X/D oor Entr y/Bedienung/Master/Sl ave Schalter s etz en 83220-AP- xxx @ 19\mod_1310723320966_15.doc x @ 107833 @ @
Select switch to set the address of default outdoor station.
X10 X1
Select switches to set the address (1-99) of the indoor station.
X200 X100
Select dip-switches to set the address (hundreds digits) of the indoor station.
Master/slave function
Only one indoor station in each apartment should be set as "master" (Switch
should be set as "M/S on"). All additional indoor stations in the same apartment
must be set as "slave" (Switch should be set as "M/S off.")
Terminal resistor
In video installations or mixed audio and video installations, the switch must be set
as "RC on" on the last device of the line.
a b
= Bus connection
= Doorbell connection
= Additional power supply
Connector for induction loop
Pos : 75 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr uktur)/Modul- Struktur /Online-Dokumentati on/Steuermodul e - Onli ne-D okumentation (--> F ü r all e D okumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenumbruc h ++++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.doc x @ 52149 @ @ 1