The winch is a lifting / lowering / positioning winch only. It is not to be used as a fall arrest device. Personnel using the
winch for lifting / lowering / positioning must have a backup fall arrest system, such as a SRL with retrieval function or
other MSA SRL, plus a full body harness. When using the winch for personnel, never have more than one person on
the winch at the same time. Never carry personnel and materials at the same time.
Inspect the winch according to the instructions in Section 5 of this manual before and after each use. Also inspect
each component with which the winch will be used according to the instructions accompanying that product. If any
component is found to be damaged or -altered, immediately remove the system from use. Do not attempt field repair
of equipment, and do not attempt use of the system without first -replacing any damaged or altered component.
Prevent the buildup of slack line that might allow free fall.
To prevent loose coils of line on the drum, always maintain at least 15 lbs (6.75 kg) of tension on the line when paying
it out.
Never leave a load hanging from the winch while the winch is unattended.
Always be sure the line is pulling straight out from the winch drum – never at an angle.
Never exceed the maximum rated loads listed on the winch specification label.
Never alter the mechanics of the winch.
Never use two or more winches to raise or lower a heavier load. Load shifting may place the entire load on one
winch, causing sequential failure of both units.
Always apply loads evenly. Do not jerk or bounce loads as this dynamic loading may generate forces in excess of
the maximum working load.
Each time a load is lifted, first test the winch by lifting the load a few inches.
Always keep hands away from pinch points around load-bearing lines, pulleys and drums during operation.
Always ensure level winding when extracting or retracting line by guiding the line. Use a gloved hand when guiding
the line to avoid cuts and wire slivers. Continually inspect for level winding during operation.
It is critical that the winch operator remains a safe distance away from any fall hazard or load which could cause
injury in the event of a loss of balance on the part of the operator, or in the event of a load fall. When operating the
winch in a fall hazard area, the operator must wear appropriate fall protection equipment connected to an indepen-
dent anchorage.
All labels must be visible and the operator should never come between the winch housing and line. The winch oper-
ator must always operate the winch with the housing and crank between him or herself and the load.
Never install the winch where any member of the work crew must be stationed in line with a tensioned winch line.
Should the line fail, stored energy may cause recoil of the line with sufficient force to cause serious or fatal injury.
Do not use where objects may fall or otherwise interfere with the operation or ability of this device to function prop-
Workman Winch