8. Maintenance machine
8.7 Hydraulic
8.7.1 Filling and bleeding the circuit
Re lea se lo cking screw (1).
Set thrott le le ver (2) to «V».
Pour in hyd rau lic fluid whilst con ti nu al ly chan ging the thrott le
le ver po si ti on. To en su re cor rect blee ding, from time pla ce the
shaft ver ti cal ly.
Stop fil ling when
a distinct «clicking»-noise is heard in the exciter whilst
shifting the lever
you no longer feel a cushion of air when moving the throttle
When fil ling, the cir cuit path is shor te ned.
To check oil le vel, start en gi ne and bring up to ope ra ting
Move thrott le le ver se ve ral ti mes bac kwards and for wards bet -
ween «V» and «R».
The cor rect oil le vel should be so mewhe re in the area shown
(See Il lus.); at this point the thrott le le ver must be in the «V»
po si ti on.
If the le vel is too low, top up with hyd rau lic fluid; if too high,
drain off ex cess fluid.
With the ma chi ne run ning and the thrott le le ver in the «V» po -
si ti on, clo se lo cking screw (1).