The configuration operations must be carried out after all the devices have been
connected to the system, and after the system has been powered.
After powering the system, wait one minute until the video entryphone has completed
the initialisation operations.
During the configuration, there must be no calls in progress.
The following procedure only applies for systems with no more than 2 front door units
(one primary and one secondary, but without an electronic index), 34 apartments
(maximum 4 apartment units for each apartment), 1 relay unit (GW 18 381), and 1
camera interface (GW 18 376).
If the system exceeds these limits (for instance with more front door units, more
apartments, camera interfaces or more relay units), the configuration must be carried
out via a PC and system configuration software.
if the configuration has not been carried out on the bench (before installing the
single devices as described), but directly in the system, the presence of 2 people may
be necessary so it is easier to make the logic connections between push-buttons of
front door units and the apartment units.
secondary one first, then the primary one.
must be connected and operating before carrying out the configuration ope-
rations, so they can be automatically inserted in the video entryphone menu.
To logically connect a video entryphone to the push-button of the front door unit,
proceed as follows:
1. With the audio/video module of the front door unit switched off, put the module into
Programming mode by turning switch 1 of DIP switch 2 to ON.
2. Switch on the audio/video module.
3. Wait until the audio/video module emits 1 beep followed by 3 beeps, indicating the
enabling of the learning procedure for the devices connected to it.
4. Set the learning mode of the video entryphone with speakerphone in the following way:
if 2 front door units are installed in the system, configure the
the camera interface (GW18 376) and relay units (GW 18 381)