5.4 discharge of combustion products
lue pipe and flue connection must comply with the current Regulations
The f
and Legislation, using pipes that are resistant to heat, condensate and
mechanical stresses, and be tight. The flue must ensure the minimum
negative pressure required by the current Regulations, considering
"zero" pressure at the flue pipe connection. Inadequate or incorrectly
sized flues and flue pipes can increase the noise of combustion, generate
condensation problems and adversely affect the combustion parameters.
Non-insulated discharge pipes are a potential source of danger. The seals
of the joints must be in materials resistant to temperatures of at least
100°C. In the connection section between the boiler and flue, there must
be suitable measuring points for the smoke temperature and combustion
products analysis. Regarding the section and height of the flue, refer to
the national and local regulations in force.
aTTenTIon: Condensate can form inside the flue, due to the low
temperature of the fumes
5.5 Plumbing connections
5.5.1 System water characteristics
PreX H 3 cond boilers are suitable for installation in heating systems with non-significant entry of oxygen (ref. systems "case I" EN14868). A
separator (e.g. plate heat exchanger) must be provided in systems with continuous entry of oxygen (e.g. underfloor systems without antidif-
fusion pipes), or intermittent (e.g. in case of frequent replenishments).
The water inside a heating system must have the characteristics required by UNI8065, and comply with laws and regulations in force and
the provisions of EN14688 (protection of metallic materials against corrosion).
The filling water (first filling and subsequent replenishment) must be clear, with hardness below 3°F and treated with suitable chemical
conditioners against the initiation of corrosion, that are not aggressive on metals and plastics, do not develop gases and, in low-temperature
systems, do not cause proliferation of bacterial or microbial masses.
The water contained in the system must be periodically checked (at least twice a year during the season when the systems are used, as
required by UNI8065) and have: possibly a clear appearance, hardness below 10°F for new systems or 15°F for existing systems, pH above
7 and below 8.5, iron content (Fe) below 0.5 mg/l, copper content (Cu) below 0.1 mg/l, chloride content below 50mg/l, electrical conductivity
below 200 us/cm, and must contain chemical conditioners in a concentration sufficient to protect the system for at least one year. Bacterial
or microbial loads must not be present in systems at low temperature.
Only use conditioners, additives, inhibitors and antifreeze liquids declared by the producer suitable for use in heating systems and that do
not cause damage to the heat exchanger or other components and/or materials of the boiler and system.
Chemical conditioners must ensure complete deoxygenation of the water, contain specific protection for yellow metals (copper and its al-
loys), anti-fouling agents for scale, neutral pH stabilizers and, in low-temperature systems, specific biocides for use in heating systems.
recommended chemical conditioners:
The unit is equipped with a frost protection system that activates the boiler in heating mode when the system delivery water temperature
falls below 6°C. The device is not active if the power and/or gas supply to the unit are turned off. If necessary, to protect the system use a
suitable antifreeze liquid that meets the above requirements and provided for by UNI 8065.
In the presence of adequate chemical/physical system and feed water treatments and related high cyclicity controls able to ensure the
required parameters, for exclusively industrial process applications the product can be installed in open-vessel systems with vessel hydro-
static height able to ensure compliance with the minimum operating pressure indicated in the product technical specifications.
The presence of deposits on the boiler exchange surfaces due to non-compliance with the above requirements will involve non-
recognition of the warranty.
cod. 30902840 - Rev. 00 - 02/2018
fig. 9