Hydraulic power pack with load sensing variable displacement pump and constant displacement pump
The electric motor (14) is mounted to the top of the tank (29). The pumps are screwed onto the motor via the
bellhousing. The axial piston pump (18) is equipped with a drive shaft in order to be able to power the
downstream gear pump (6) as well.
The pumps draw in oil from the tank (3) via intake pipes.
The axial piston pump is equipped with a load-sensing pump controller (11).
The gear pump is protected by a pressure relief valve (9). In the event that pressure relief is required,
hydraulic oil flows back to the tank via the tank line (4).
The pressure of the delivered hydraulic oil is indicated at the pressure gauge (5).
The leakage oil line (10) for the vane pump is transparent so that air bubbles can be seen.
The return flow from the consuming device is connected to the collecting block via the connection fitting
(22). The blue coupling sockets (23) are intended for the connection of pressure-free return lines. The blue
coupling sockets (23) are not for the connection of compressed air! The oil flows from the collection block
back to the tank via the return filter (25).
Two additional connections (21) are included directly on the tank which are used to connect the discharge
measurement container.
The fill-level and hydraulic oil temperature can be read at the sight glass (2).
The vent filter (20) equalizes air pressure in the reservoir in the event of a fluctuating hydraulic oil level. Air
passing through the filer is filtered at the same time.
In order to fill the power pack, either the filter cover (24) is unscrewed and the filter cartridge is removed, or
the vent filter (20) is removed. The hydraulic oil in the tank can be drained via the tank drain plug (1).
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