(see flow regulation and tubing size section). Try different
sized tubings. You want to be sure that the baby gets
some supplement with every 1-3 sucks. If baby doesn't
swallow consistently, try a larger tube. Because baby is
uncoordinated, she/he may not always swallow with every
suck or every other suck.
One of the goals of using the SNS is to return the moth-
er and baby to as close to a natural nursing situation as
possible. The easiest way to do this is to watch baby
decrease amount of supplement as your body begins pro-
ducing more milk and/or baby's suck improves. Several
indications are:
Baby gaining weight
— 4-7 ounces per week for breastfed babies
is average
Feelings of milk letdown or leaking
— it can be normal not to notice this and still
produce a sufficient amount of milk
Baby leaving supplement in SNS but being satisfied
with feeding
Noticing yourself being able to pump more milk
Feeling more breast fullness
— but not engorgement