11. Maintenance and service
Check that all IR lamps light up during mobile dryer
operation. Defect IR lamps can cause uneven heat
distribution over the surface.
Clean the dryer from dust, which can be a cause of
fire, with a damp cloth. Also, check that all cables are
undamaged. A damaged cable can be a danger to life!
Check the gold reflectors. Damaged or extremely dirty
reflectors can overheat the reflector body and/or the
cassette. In case of doubt, please contact the customer
service in order to clarify if the gold reflector needs to be
Plan to change the air filter approx. once per year.
You will get a message in the display when it is time
to change. When starting up the dryer you will get an
indication on how much of the pre-set filter time that is
11.1 Filter replacement
Attention! The filters are disposable and should not be
Use a knife or screw driver to bend loose the two
plastic plugs at the cassette side plates.
Remove the used filter.
Insert the new filter so the IRT logo is visible from
the outside.
Place the long side of the filter opposite to the two
plug holes on the cassette according to picture.
Push in the filter until the two plastic "push-in-plugs"
can be reattached.
Reset the filter timer. Log into advanced settings
mode according to chpater 9.1 and 9.2. Move to
parameter 45 and press yes for reset the filter timer.
11.2 IRT lamp replacement
Attention! Do not touch the gold coated reflector or the
new IR lamp with your fingers.
Only remove the protective paper on the IR lamp
after you have installed it.
1. Disconnect power supply.
2. Loosen the three top screws on the front plate of the
cassette and take out the front plate
3. Disconnect the cable connector.
4. Loosen the four screws at the ends of the reflector and
remove the reflector from the plate.
5. Remove the mesh and unscrew the lamp from the two
6. Install new lamps in the reverse order.
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