Chapter 1: Introduction
• Since measurement of SpO
pulsating vascular bed, any condition that
restricts blood flow, such as the use of a blood
pressure cuff or extremes in systemic vascular
resistance, may cause an inability to determine
accurate SpO
• Under certain clinical conditions, pulse
oximeters may display dashes if unable to
display SpO
these conditions, pulse oximeters may also
display erroneous values. These conditions
include, but are not limited to: patient motion,
low perfusion, cardiac arrhythmias, high or
low pulse rates or a combination of the above
conditions. Failure of the clinician to recognize
the effects of these conditions on pulse
oximeter readings may result in patient injury.
• Verify that all LEDs (light emitting diodes) on
the display light up upon startup of the device.
• When attaching the pulse oximeter to the
patient, make sure that the patient's finger is
of sufficient length to reach the stop guide to
ensure proper function.
• Misuse or improper handling of the pulse
oximeter could result in damage to the device.
This may cause inaccurate readings.
• When the LOW BATTERY INDICATOR flashes,
you must immediately replace the device's
and pulse rate readings.
and/or pulse rate values. Under
Finger Oximeter Operation Manual
depends on a