rooM therMostat connection
• Access the power supply terminal block (figure 10);
• connect the room thermostat cables to terminals (1) e (2);
• provide power supply to the boiler;
Description oF Button
button does not operate as described in section 4.1 (ECONOMY-COMFORT function).
The gas boiler operates when both the programmed time slot and the room thermostat required heating.
By pressing the
button during a room thermostat heating request, it is possible "to forced" a Heating request even if
the programmed time slot does not required Heating. This is a "manual forced" mode and the display shows the symbol
flashing. This mode terminates at the next "not request" time change over of the time slot Heating.
17.2 remote control Wall mounting
To wall-mount the remote control, proceed as follows:
1. Undo the two screws (a-b figure 11) fixing the casing to the boiler;
2. access the terminal block M2 as shown in the figure 12;
3. remove the two red wires from the terminals 1-2 and connect the two wires coming from the remote control.
Figure 12
iMportant: After installing the remote control, switch the power on to the appliance, making sure that the remote
control works properly.
18. gas change modalities
A Qualified Service Engineer may adapt this boiler to operate with natural gas (G. 20) or with liquid gas (G. 31).
The procedure for calibrating the pressure regulator may vary according to the type of gas valve fitted (HONEYWELL or
SIT; see figure 13).
Carry out the following operations in the given sequence:
A) substitute the burner injectors;
B) change the modulator voltage;
C) proceed with a new max. and min. setting of the pressure adjusting device.
a) substitute the main burner injectors
• carefully pull the main burner out of its seat;
• substitute the main burner injectors and make sure you tighten them to avoid leakage. The diameters of the injectors
are specified in table 1.
B) change the modulator voltage
• setting F02 parameter according to the gas used as described in section 20.
instructions pertaininG to the installer
925.480.1 - GB