First fitting and application of the product must be supervised by trained
personnel. Daily wearing and application time depends on the medical
indication defined by the medical practitioner.
Before use read the safety instructions and directions for use.
The product is intended for use for one patient.
In case of unusual effects (e.g. increasing trouble) take immediate me-
dical advice.
The product must not be changed.
An orthosis/bandage applied to tight may cause local pressure points
and possibly constrictions of blood vessels/nerves.
The product is not fire resistant. It must not be worn close to open fire
or other heat sources.
The product should not come in contact with aliphatic and acidic agents,
salves or lotions.
2 Intended Use
The 50A8 Omo Immobil Sling/50A9 Omo Immobil Sling, abduction shoulder
orthosis is to be used exclusively for orthotic treatment of the elbow and is
exclusively suitable for contact with healthy skin.
3 Indications and Effects
Indication must be determined by the physician.
50A8 Omo Immobil Sling
All indications requiring immobilization of the shoulder joint in internal rota-
tion, e.g. postoperative and posttraumatic immobilization of the shoulder
joint, irritations in the region of the shoulder and shoulder girdle, soft-tissue
injuries (e.g. contusions, bruises, distortions), muscle and tendon injuries
in the region of shoulder and upper arm, Frozen Shoulder, conservative
treatment of AC-joint separation and osteoarthritis, shoulder osteoarthritis.