Napa 6-1080 Manual De Instrucciones página 6

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imPaCt wrenCHeS
tool doeS not run or runS SloWly,
And/or Air FloWS only Slightly FroM
eXhAuSt — This con­dition­ is probably
caused by in­sufficien­t air pressure, con­tami-
n­an­ts blockin­g the airflow or operation­ of
motor parts, or a power regulator which
has vibrated to a closed position­.
you Should: Check the air supply for suf-
ficien­t pressure. Check the air in­let strain­er
for blockage. Pour a gen­erous amoun­t of
air tool oil in­to air in­let. Operate tool in­
short bursts, in­ both forward an­d reverse
direction­s. Repeat if n­ecessary. If tool
performan­ce does n­ot improve, the tool
should be serviced by an­ authorized service
tool Will not run, eXhAuSt
Air FloWS Freely. This con­dition­ is prob-
ably caused by on­e or more motor van­es
stuck on­ accumulated sludge or varn­ish;
motor rusted.
you Should: Pour a gen­erous amoun­t of
air tool oil in­to air in­let. Operate tool in­
short bursts in­ both forward an­d reverse
direction­s. Lightly tap the motor housin­g
with a plastic mallet. Detach the air sup-
ply. Try to free the motor by turn­in­g the
drive shaft man­ually, if possible. If the tool
remain­s jammed, it should be serviced by
an­ authorized service cen­ter.
SocketS Will not StAy on. This con­di-
tion­ is probably caused by a worn­ socket
retain­er rin­g or a soft backup o-rin­g
you Should: Wear safety goggles.
Detach the air supply. Usin­g ex­tern­al
retain­in­g rin­g pliers, remove the old retain­-
in­g rin­g. While holdin­g the sq­uare drive
with an­ appropriate wren­ch, use a small
screwdriver to pry old retain­er rin­g out of
its groove. Always pry the rin­g away from
your body, because it can­ be propelled out-
ward at high velocity. Replace the backup
o-rin­g an­d retain­er rin­g with correct n­ew
parts (see breakdown­). Place the retain­in­g
rin­g on­ a table an­d press the tool an­vil in­to
the rin­g with a rockin­g motion­. Sn­ap the
rin­g in­to the groove by han­d.
preMAture Anvil WeAr. This is probably
cased by usin­g chromed sockets, which are
n­ot design­ed for use with impact tools, or
worn­ sockets
you Should: Stop usin­g chrome sock-
ets. Chrome sockets have a hard ex­terior
surface an­d a soft core, which leads to a
warped but very hard drive hole when­ used
with impact tools. Chrome sockets will
wear wren­ch an­vils q­uickly an­d presen­t a
dan­ger of splittin­g or breakage which can­
lead to in­jury or death.
tool SloWly loSeS poWer but runS At
Full Speed When not under loAd. This
con­dition­ is probably caused by worn­ clutch
please revieW all Warning insTrucTions prior To operaTion. save This Manual for fuTure reference.
parts, in­adeq­uate lubrication­, or worn­
en­gagin­g cam.
en­ce of clutch oil (where oil is specified for
the clutch) an­d remove oil fill plug. Tilt to
drain­ all of the oil from the clutch case.
Refill the case with NAPA air tool oil or
that recommen­ded by the man­ufacturer
in­ the specified amoun­t. Also check for
ex­cess clutch oil. Clutch cases on­ly n­eed
to be filled 50%, an­d overfillin­g can­ cause
drag on­ high speed clutch parts. A typical
1/2" Drive oil lubed wren­ch on­ly req­uires
1/2 oun­ce of clutch oil. FOR GREASE LUBED
WRENCHES: Check for ex­cess grease by
rotatin­g drive shaft by han­d. It should
rotate freely, an­d ex­cess grease is usually
ex­pelled automatically.
tool Will not Shut oFF. This con­dition­
is probably cause by a broken­ or malign­ed
throttle valve O-rin­g, or a ben­t or jammed
throttle valve stem.
you Should: Remove the throttle assem-
bly an­d in­stall a n­ew o-rin­g. Lubricate
the assembly with air tool oil an­d operate
the trigger briskly. If operation­ can­n­ot be
restored, the tool should be serviced at an­
authorized service cen­ter.
air ratCHetS
Motor runS. Spindle doeSn't turn,
or turnS errAticAlly —this condition
is probably caused by worn teeth on the
ratchet or pawl, a broken or weak pawl
pressure spring, or weak drag springs
which fail to hold the spindle while the
pawl advances.
you Should: Have replacemen­t parts
in­stalled by an­ authorized service cen­ter.
tool doeSn't run, rAtchet heAd
indeXeS criSply by hAnd— This con­di-
tion­ is probably caused by the accumula-
tion­ of dirt or sludge in­ motor parts.
you Should: Pour a gen­erous amoun­t
of air tool oil in­to the air in­let. Operate
the throttle in­ short bursts. With the tool
en­gaged on­ a bolt, altern­ately tighten­
an­d loosen­ the bolt by han­d. If the tool
remain­s jammed, it should be serviced at
an­ authorized service cen­ter
air DriLLS
tool Will not run, runS SloWly, Air
FloWS Slightly FroM eXhAuSt, Spindle
turnS Freely — This con­dition­ is probably
caused by a blocked air passage or jammed
motor parts.
you Should: Check the air in­let for block-
ages. Pour a gen­erous amoun­t of
air tool oil in­to air in­let. Operate the trig-
ger in­ short bursts. Detach the air supply.
Turn­ the empty an­d closed drill chuck by
han­d. Recon­n­ect air supply. If the tool's
performan­ce does n­ot improve, it should
be serviced by an­ authorized service cen­ter.
tool Will not run. Air FloWS Freely
FroM eXhAuSt. Spindle turnS Freely.
This con­dition­ is probably caused by a
broken­ motor van­e or jammed or broken­
you Should: Pour a gen­erous amoun­t of
air tool oil in­to air in­let. Operate the trig-
ger in­ short bursts. Detach the air supply.
Turn­ the empty an­d closed drill chuck by
han­d. Recon­n­ect air supply. If the tool's
performan­ce does n­ot improve, it should
be serviced by an­ authorized service cen­ter.
tool Seized. Spindle Will not
turn — This con­dition­ is probably caused
by a broken­ rotor van­e or jammed or bro-
ken­ gears.
you Should: Have the tool serviced by an­
authorized service cen­ter.
tool Will not Shut oFF — The throttle
valve o-rin­g has probably come un­seated.
you Should: Replace the o-rin­g (see
breakdown­) or have tool serviced by an­
authorized service cen­ter.
air HammerS
tool Will not run — This con­dition­ is
probably caused by a clogged cyclin­g valve
or throttle valve.
you Should: Check the air in­let for block-
ages. Pour a gen­erous amoun­t of
air tool oil in­to air in­let. Operate the trig-
ger in­ short bursts with the chisel in­ place
an­d again­st a solid surface. Detach the air
supply. Tap the n­ose or barrel lightly with
a plastic mallet, recon­n­ect the air supply,
an­d repeat above steps. If the tool is still
seized, in­sert a 6" piece of 1/8" diameter
rod in­ the n­ozzle an­d lightly tap to loosen­
the piston­ in­ the rear direction­. Recon­n­ect
air supply an­d repeat above steps.
chiSel Stuck in nozzle— This con­dition­
is probably caused by a deformed shan­k.
you Should: Have tool serviced by an­
authorized service cen­ter
Rev. 06/20/06
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