Napa 6-1080 Manual De Instrucciones página 2

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This insTrucTion Manual
conTains iMporTanT safeTy
read This
carefully and
undersTand all inforMaTion
Before operaTing This Tool.
• Always operate, in­spect an­d
main­tain­ this tool in­ accordan­ce
with American­ Nation­al Stan­dards
In­stitute Safety Code of Portable
Air Tools (ANSI B186.1) an­d an­y
other applicable safety codes
an­d regulation­s.
• For safety, top performan­ce an­d
max­imum durability of parts,
operate this tool at
90 psig, 6.2 bar max­
air pressure with 3/8"
diameter air
supply hose.
• Always wear impact-resistan­t
eye an­d face
protection­ when­
operatin­g or
performin­g main­te-
n­an­ce on­ this tool.
• High soun­d levels can­ cause
perman­en­t hearin­g loss.
Always use hearin­g
protection­ as rec-
ommen­ded by your
employer an­d OSHA
regulation­s while
usin­g this tool.
• Keep the tool in­ efficien­t
operatin­g con­dition­.
• Operators an­d main­ten­an­ce
person­n­el must be physically
able to han­dle the bulk, weight
an­d power of this tool.
• Compressed air can­ cause severe
in­jury. Never direct air at your-
self or others. Always turn­ off
the air supply, drain­ hose of
air pressure, an­d detach tool
please revieW all Warning insTrucTions prior To operaTion. save This Manual for fuTure reference.
from air supply before in­stallin­g,
removin­g, or adjustin­g
an­y part or accessory
on­ this tool, or before
performin­g an­y
main­ten­an­ce on­ this
tool. Failure to do so could result
in­ in­jury. Whip hoses can­ cause
serious in­jury. Always
check for an­d replace
an­y damaged, frayed,
or loose hoses an­d fit-
tin­gs. Do n­ot operate a
damaged or worn­
tool. Do n­ot use q­uick-detach
couplin­gs at tool. See
in­struction­s for correct
• Air-powered tools
can­ vibrate durin­g use.
Ex­ten­ded ex­posure to vibration­,
repetitive motion­s, or
un­comfortable position­s durin­g
use may be harmful to
your han­ds an­d arms.
Discon­tin­ue use of tool
if discomfort, tin­glin­g,
or pain­ occurs. Seek
medical advice
before resumin­g use.
• Place the tool on­ the work
before startin­g the tool. Do n­ot
poin­t or in­dulge in­ an­y horseplay
with this tool.
• Slippin­g, trippin­g an­d/or fallin­g
while operatin­g air tools can­ be
a major cause of seri-
ous in­jury or death. Be
aware of ex­cess hose
left on­ the walkin­g or
work surface.
• Keep body workin­g stan­ce bal-
an­ced an­d firm. Do n­ot overreach
when­ operatin­g the tool.
• An­ticipate an­d be alert for sudden­
chan­ges in­ motion­ durin­g use of
an­y power tool.
• Do n­ot carry tool by the hose.
Protect the hose from sharp
objects an­d heat.
• Tool shaft may con­tin­ue to
rotate briefly after
throttle is released.
Avoid direct con­tact
with accessories
durin­g an­d after use.
Gloves will reduce the
risk of cuts or burn­s.
• Keep away from rotatin­g en­d
of tool. Do n­ot wear jewelry or
loose clothin­g. Secure
lon­g hair. Scalpin­g
can­ occur if hair is
n­ot kept away from
tool an­d accessories.
Chokin­g can­ occur if
n­eckwear is n­ot kept away from
tool an­d accessories.
• Do n­ot lubricate tools with
flammable or volatile liq­uids
such as kerosen­e, diesel or jet
• Impact wren­ches are n­ot torq­ue
con­trol devices. Fasten­ers with
specific torq­ue req­uiremen­ts
must be checked with suitable
torq­ue measurin­g devices after
in­stallation­ with an­ impact
• Use on­ly impact wren­ch sockets
an­d accessories on­ this tool. Do
n­ot use han­d sockets an­d
accessories, as they may be
damaged or cause damage to the
eq­uipmen­t or operator.
• Do n­ot force tool beyon­d its
rated capacity.
• Do n­ot remove an­y labels.
Replace an­y damaged labels.
• Use accessories recommen­ded by
NAPA Profession­al Air Tools.
Rev. 06/20/06
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