90 Reset XE (Easy Mode)
Save and quit: allows you to save the changes and quit the set up.
Reset: allows you to reset all the parameters to the default
Motor ramp: allows you to set a gradual transition between
the sparking wire speed and the welding wire speed.
Minimum off, Maximum 2.0s, Default 250ms
18 Burn back: permits adjustment of the wire burn time, pre-
venting sticking at the end of welding.
Permits adjustment of the length.
Permits adjustment of the length of the piece of wire outsi-
de the torch.
Minimum off, Maximum 2.0s, Default 80ms
25 Spot welding: allows you to enable the "spot welding" pro-
cess and establish the welding time.
Minimum 500ms, Maximum 99.9s, Default off
26 Pause point: allows you to enable the "pause point" process
and establish the pause time between one welding opera-
tion and another.
Minimum 500ms, Maximum 99.9s, Default off
91 Reset XA (Advanced Mode)
Save and quit: allows you to save the changes and quit the set up.
Reset: allows you to reset all the parameters to the default
Pre-gas: allows you to set and adjust the gas flow prior to
sparking of the arc.
Permits filling of the torch with gas and preparation of the
environment for welding.
Minimum off, Maximum 99.9s, Default 10ms
Soft start: permits adjustment of the wire feed speed in the
phases prior to sparking.
Given as a % of the wire speed set.
Permits sparking at reduced speed, therefore softer and with
fewer splashes.
Minimum 10%, Maximum 100%, Default 50%
Motor ramp: allows you to set a gradual transition between
the sparking wire speed and the welding wire speed.
Minimum off, Maximum 1.0s, Default 250ms
18 Burn back: permits adjustment of the wire burn time, pre-
venting sticking at the end of welding.
Permits adjustment of the length.
Permits adjustment of the length of the piece of wire outsi-
de the torch.
Minimum off, Maximum 2.0s, Default 80ms
20 Post-gas: permits setting and adjustment of the gas flow at
the end of welding.
Minimum off, Maximum 99.9s, Default 2.0s
25 Spot welding: allows you to enable the "spot welding" pro-
cess and establish the welding time.
Minimum 500ms, Maximum 99.9s, Default off
26 Pause point: allows you to enable the "pause point" process
and establish the pause time between one welding opera-
tion and another.
Minimum 500ms, Maximum 99.9s, Default off
92 Reset XP (Professional Mode)
Save and quit: allows you to save the changes and quit the set up.
Reset: allows you to reset all the parameters to the default
Pre-gas: allows you to set and adjust the gas flow prior to spar-
king of the arc.
Permits filling of the torch with gas and preparation of the envi-
ronment for welding.
Minimum off, Maximum 99.9s, Default 10ms
Soft start: permits adjustment of the wire feed speed in the
phases prior to sparking.
Given as a % of the wire speed set.
Permits sparking at reduced speed, therefore softer and with
fewer splashes.
Minimum 10%, Maximum 100%, Default 50%
Motor ramp: allows you to set a gradual transition between the
sparking wire speed and the welding wire speed.
Minimum off, Maximum 1.0s, Default 250ms
18 Burn back: permits adjustment of the wire burn time, preven-
ting sticking at the end of welding.
Permits adjustment of the length.
Permits adjustment of the length of the piece of wire outside
the torch.
Minimum off, Maximum 2.0s, Default 80ms
20 Post-gas: permits setting and adjustment of the gas flow at the
end of welding.
Minimum off, Maximum 99.9s, Default 2.0s
25 Spot welding: allows you to enable the "spot welding" process
and establish the welding time.
Minimum 500ms, Maximum 99.9s, Default off
26 Pause point: allows you to enable the "pause point" process
and establish the pause time between one welding opera-
tion and another.
Minimum 500ms, Maximum 99.9s, Default off
3.3.2 Alarm codes
01/02 Overtemperature.
Secondary short circuit.
Wire feed motor blocked.
Machine configuration not valid.
Welding not possible with the step set.
Communication error.
Machine not calibrated or loss of data.
3.4 Rear panel
1: power supply cable
2: gas fitting
3: 6x32 1A 250V fuse
4: rating plate
3.5 Sockets panel
A1: torch fitting. Permits connection of the MIG torch.
L1: negative power socket.