GPG 70, GPG-D 70, GPG 200 M, GPG-D 200 M, GPG 200 T, GPG-D 200
T, GPG 500 T, GPG-D 500 T, GPG 1000, GPG-D 1000, GPG 1600, GPG-D
1600, GPG 2500, GPG-D 2500, GPG 3500, GPG-D 3500, GPG 5000, GPG-
D 5000
The pressure switch of securit GPG sets is regulated between 0,8 and 1,8 kg/cm
approximately, by default.
The safety pressure switch will take action if the pressure decreases below 0,6
In case the pressure is insufficient due to the requirements of the installations,
regulate the pressure switches following this procedures:
Working pressure switch:
for use
Safety pressure switch:
It must work between 0,2 and 0,3 kg/cm
by default. In case you want to vary the regulation, proceed as follows:
Manual de instrucciones/Manual/Manuel d'instructions "GPG/GPG-D"
1. Loosen the smallest turning knob of the pressure switch to the maximum by
turning it anticlockwise.
2. Adjust the stopping pressure by the means of the central and bigger knob.
The pressure increases turning the knob clockwise and decreases
3. Regulate the differential pressure, with the same knob previously loosened,
to the desired value.
4. If the regulation becomes too sensitive then fill the hydropneumatic
accumulator with air at a pressure 0,2 kg/cm
1. Remove the fixing sheet that fastens the regulation bolts.
2. Loosen the smallest turning knob of the pressure switch to the maximum by
turning it anticlockwise.
3. Regulate the differential pressure, with the same knob previously loosened,
to the desired value.
4. Place the fixing sheet back to disable any regulation.
below the start-up pressure.
below the starting pressure. It is regulated
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