General Setup
Focus Adjustment
The device contains two gobo wheels. For each wheel, you can adjust the focus to obtain a crisp image. To
adjust the focus, proceed as follows:
1. Press MENU to open the menu.
2. Select <Show Setup>, then select <Focus1 Adjust> for gobo wheel 1, or <Focus2 Adjust> for gobo
wheel 2.
3. Adjust the focus (0–255).
Dimmer Calibration
You can fine-tune the overall LED brightness for a softer or brighter light output:
1. Press MENU to open the menu.
2. Select <Show Setup>, then select <Dimmer Calibrate>.
3. Fine-tune the brightness from low to high (50–100).
Temperature Unit
The display shows the internal temperature of the device in the lower right corner. You can choose to display
the temperature in °C or °F:
1. Press MENU to open the menu.
2. Select <System Setup>, then select <Temperature Unit>.
3. Select the desired temperature unit:
<°C>: to display the internal temperature of the device in degrees Celsius.
<°F>: to display the internal temperature of the device in degrees Fahrenheit.
Fan Speed
The device is equipped with an internal fan to cool the device. You can adjust the fan speed for optimal cooling
in all operating conditions:
1. Press MENU to open the menu.
2. Select <System Setup>, then select <Fan Mode>.
3. Select the desired setting:
<Auto Speed>: to let the internal thermostat regulate the fan speed.
<High Speed>: to let the fan work continuously at maximum speed.
Stand-Alone Mode
In stand-alone mode, the device runs one of the built-in programs: automatic or sound-activated.
Stand-Alone Mode with Built-in Program
To set the device to stand-alone mode:
1. Unplug any connection from the DMX input [11,12] of the device.
2. Press MENU to open the menu.
3. Select <Show Setup>, then select <Show Mode>.
4. Select one of the built-in programs (Show Mode 1–4).
Sound Activation
With sound activation, the built-in program responds to sound. To use sound activation with the selected built-
in program:
1. Press MENU to open the menu.
2. Select <Show Setup>, then select <Sound State>.
3. Select <Yes> to enable sound activation.
4. To change the sensitivity of the internal microphone, select <Sound Sense>.
5. Set the sensitivity from low to high (0–100).
Stopping the Device
If you want to stop the device in stand-alone mode (stop the built-in program and switch all LEDs off), proceed
as follows:
1. Press MENU to open the menu.
2. Select <Show Setup>, then select <Blackout>.
3. Select <Yes> to stop the device.
4. To restart the built-in program, set <Blackout> back to <No>.
V. 01 – 10/02/2014
©Velleman nv