AlphaShield INTERNET PRIVACY PROTECTION Manual Del Usuario página 29

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Frequently Asked Questions
P: ¿Puede AlphaShield™ funcionar en asignación de dirección IP estática o
Q Can my AlphaShield™ function in either Static or Dynamic IP
address assignment?
R: Sí. AlphaShield™ puede dar soporte a direcciones IP estáticas o
A Yes! Your AlphaShield™ can support either static or dynamic IP
dinámicas, siempre y cuando el cliente haya sido configurado
addressing as long as the client is setup properly for the assigned
correctamente para el acceso asignado. Cada ordenador tendrá o se le
access. Each computer will have or be assigned an IP address in
asignará una dirección IP para conectarse a la red.
order to connect to the network.
Q Can the logical disconnect in manual mode be bypassed by hacking
P: ¿Puede ignorarse la desconexión lógica o física en modo manual si un
into the AlphaShield™?
hacker entra en AlphaShield™?
R: No. Una vez excedido el valor del temporizador de inactividad o si se ha
A No! Once the inactivity timer value has expired or the disconnect
pulsado el botón de desconexión para crear una desconexión lógica,
button has been depressed to create a logical disconnect, no possi-
ningún software ni iw 1o posible, tantolor d31 rtolel cliencomoloelca,purloea
ble code or software on either the computer port or modem port can
re-establish a connection session. The connect button must be
depressed by manual operator intervention before a connection
P: rr sofunciede AlphaShield™ funces63n informe63n dl clies231?R: SEl63ngic
session can take place again.
P: ermituede AlphaShieldse ennsmisnación 3n mexcslie 3nSEC paraa o
Q Does AlphaShield™ provide any client reporting functions?
R: Sí. AlphaShieldnceen if55sise ennsmisnación paqueies63n do mtosca,
A Yes! The only reporting available on the AlphaShield™ , is dis
played by the visual red and amber illumination of the Outbound or
Inbound Data LED's. (Unauthorized data packets are being dis-
Q Will AlphaShield™ permit IP transmission using IPSEC for
A Yes! The AlphaShield™ does not modify the data packet transmis-
sion in any way. VPN's can be established by using IPSEC or any
other security algorithms.
Revision 1.4
Powered By AlphaShield
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