Slot-in open collector receiver card (fig. 8)
The receiver card is inserted directly into an appliance, which is designed to receive it and has the following
electrical connections: 5Vdc between pins 7-8.
To associate the functions CHA, CHB, CHC, CHD of the transmitters with the outputs 1 and 2, enter the
channel setting mode by inserting jumper J1 on the circuit board.
Led L1 will start to flash indicating the setting of channel CHA: the number of flashes per second indicates
which channel is being set. To select channels CHB-CHC-CHD press and release button P1 as many times
as necessary. (1 flash = CHA; 2 flashes = CHB; 3 flashes = CHC; 4 flashes = CHD).
Led L2 indicates the output associated with the channel as follows:
Permanently lit = output 1; Flashing = output 2; Off = no output. To change the output press P2.
Factory default setting; CHA output 1; CHB output 2; CHC - CHD no output
Attention! Remove jumper J1 after the procedure. The receiver will not function with the jumper inserted
Receiver code memory module
The codes are stored in a non-volatile EEPROM memory module.
The receiver is designed to manage up to 1000 users (1000 transmitters) with the possibility of memorising
and cancelling each individual user.
For each transmitter it is possible to memorize a maximum of 4 functions: A - B – C – D.
The memorized codes are maintained in this module even in the absence of power for an unlimited period
of time.
Indications on the receivers
Red Led LGC - user management
- Flashing slowly: memorising a single user
- Flashing rapidly: cancelling a single user
- Continuously lit: memory full
Green Led LS - appliance "STATUS" LED
- Continuously lit: power on
- Flashing: no memory module present