AM/PM Average: Indicates the reading being displayed is an
average from the last 3 morning or last 3 evening measurements.
Data Transmitting: Appears when data is transferring to your
mobile device.
Triple-Check (Multi-Read) Function Result: Indicates which
measurement is being taken, or which measurement is being viewed
from a Triple-Check (Multi-Read) average reading.
Triple-Check (Multi-Read) Function Symbol: Appears when
Triple-Check (Multi-Read) function is turned ON.
Triple-Check Average Symbol: Displayed when viewing a
Triple-Check average.
Excessive Body Motion Detector: Appears when excessive body
movement, especially of the arm the cuff is worn, is detected during the
measurement. See page 31 for more information.
NOTE: The measured blood pressure reading may not be accurate
if the icon is displayed. Properly wrapping the arm cuff is important,
If the circumference of the upper arm differs largely from the
circumference of the forearm, an excessive gap may occur between
the arm and the arm cuff, and result in the false detection of excessive
body motion.
Check-with-Confidence™: Appears upon first use and then every 30th
use, during the self-check function. See page 21 for more information.
and any of the following letters and numbers appear in the area
that systolic pressure should be displayed, an error has occurred with your
reading. See Troubleshooting section of this manual for more information.
Measurement Error: Wrap the cuff correctly and keep arm steady
during measurement. Measure again.
Air Circuit Abnormality: Check cuff connection. Measure again.
Pressure Exceeding 300 mmHg: Turn the unit off to clear, then
measure again.
Error Determining Measurement Data: Wrap the cuff properly, keep
steady, and measure again.
Data Transmission Error: Monitor cannot connect to the mobile device
to transmit data. Make sure Bluetooth
System Error: Turn off monitor and measure again. If "EP" error still
appears on the display, please call a Consumer Relations representative.
is ON.