Product label
1. Manufacturer + address
2. Dimensions
3. Read instructions
4. Product description
5. Relevant standards
6. Serial number
7. CE marking of the supervisory body
8. User identification
9. Next inspection
10. Manufacturer
11. Year and month of manufacture
12. QR code
13. In-house barcode
14. Article number
2.) Application
Application in accordance with EN 353-2
Mobile fall arrest device on a flexible safety line.
Flexible safety lines must be secured to an anchor point above. The
mobile fall arrest device moves freely along the rope when ascending
and descending. For horizontal use, the fall arrest device must be
guided by the hand in order to be within reach of the length
adjustment. In order to prevent the fall arrest device from accidentally
running off the end of the safety line, the end must be secured (knots
or sewn terminations) and in good order.
In the event of a fall, the fall arrest device locks on the rope and stops
the fall. Without a shock absorber, the fall arrest force is reduced to
below the maximum permitted 6 kN (EN) through a combination of
friction and rope stretch ε (2.4 + 2.5).
The required fall clearance distance (R
following values and must be observed under all circumstances, in
order to avoid hitting the ground in the event of a fall.
When moving close to the ground, exercise extreme caution:
max. possible fall distance:
+ height of the attachment point from the ground:
+ rope stretch (ε) :
+safety margin:
With a shock absorber, the change in length of the energy absorber,
along with friction and rope stretch, reduces the fall arrest force to
under the max. permitted 6 kN (EN), when locked-off.
The max. length for EN 353-2 products is not specified. (For
information on lengths, see 1.6).
As a safety measure, always do a visual inspection (3.1 - 3.5) and
test its functionality before use. In addition, guide the fall arrest device
) is calculated using the
2x L +1 m
max. 5 % (y)
1 m
= X m