Imagen 15-46
mail configuration screen
Mail "from" configuration
The "from" field of the received mails i.e. the name of the sender (in this case the iQ Pro server) can be configured in the server
Therefore the E-mail address has to be filled in the Networking tab of the iQ Control Server properties dialogbox
Imagen 15-48
15.7.3 Projector Firmware Upgrade
What can be done ?
The client software allows to do an upgrade of the projector's firmware.
The upgrade is done with a binary file (extension = ".bin") which is sent to the projector using the LAN connection.
Single projector as well as multiple projector (group) upgrade is possible
How to upgrade the firmware ?
1. Click on Configuration in the toolbar
2. Click on Upgrade to open the firmware upgrade screen
Véase imagen 15-49.
3. Use the Browse key to select the desired bin file.
R5976694S IQ PRO R210L/350/500 20122003
Imagen 15-47
15. Red iQ