5.3.2 Replaying a sequence of scenes
1) Call the desired sequence of scenes with the but-
tons CHASES 1 to 8 (6). The corresponding LED
of the button lights up and the display (3) shortly
shows the selected number (
If a button CHASES is pressed under which
no sequence has yet been memorized, the dis-
play shows
scenes selected before remains activated.
2) Different sequences of scenes may also run
successively. For this purpose select the se-
quences of scenes with the corresponding but-
tons CHASES 1 to 8. The corresponding LED
lighting shows the number of the sequence of
scenes presently running. The other selected
sequences of scenes are marked by the corre-
sponding LEDs flashing.
3) The sequence of scenes may run automatically,
by music control or manually. Then the display
shows the present step number of the sequence
of scenes. Select the mode with button MANUAL /
MUSIC /AUTO (13). The mode is shown by the
LEDs above the button:
The sequence of scenes is running
at the speed adjusted with control
CHASE SPEED (17). The display
shows the time of a scene:
As an alternative, the time of a scene
can also be adjusted with button
INSERT / TAP (12). For this purpose
press the button twice. The interval
between actuation of two buttons cor-
responds to the time of the scene.
Adjust the fading speed for the
change of scene with control FADE
(18). The display shows the fading
time in per cent from the time of a
scene on (
The sequence of scenes is running to
the rhythm of the music picked up via
the internal microphone (20). Adjust
the sensitivity of the music control
with the buttons
MANUAL The sequence of scenes can manu-
ally be switched forward and back-
ward with the buttons
4) A sequence of scenes can also be repeated
(several times) before the next sequence will be
. However, the sequence of
= seconds
= minutes and seconds
e. g.
= 5 minutes and
20 seconds
= no music control
= max. sensitivity
and .
started. To adjust the number of cycles, set the
mode AUTO with the button (13). Then it is pos-
sible to change the number of cycles of the
sequence of scenes, the LED of which lights up
constantly. Select the number of cycles with the
, "L" = loop].
5) To stop a sequence of scenes, press the corre-
sponding button in the field CHASES so that its
LED will be extinguished.
5.3.3 Inserting or deleting a scene
1) Switch on the programming mode. For this pur-
pose keep button PROGRAM REC (2) pressed
for approx. 3 seconds until its LED starts flash-
2) Select the corresponding sequence of scenes
with the buttons CHASES (6).
3) Press button INSERT / TAP (12). The LED of the
button lights up and the display (3) shows the
present scene number of the sequence.
4) With the buttons
of the scene to be deleted or before which a new
scene is to be inserted.
5) To delete the selected scene, press button DEL /
CLEAR (5). All LEDs of the control panel flash
three times to confirm the deleting procedure.
6) To insert a new scene, adjust the illumination
scene with the buttons FIXTURE SELECTOR
1 – 8 (7) and the controls 1 to 4 (9 to 11). It is
also possible to call a scene which has already
been memorized with a button in the field
COLOUR PRESETS (1) and to use it for the
sequence of scene (
Press button PROGRAM REC. All LEDs of
the control panel flash three times to confirm the
inserting procedure.
To insert further scenes, repeat steps 3, 4
and 6.
7) To switch off the programming mode, keep but-
ton PROGRAM REC pressed for approx. 3 sec-
onds until its LED stops flashing.
5.3.4 Deleting a sequence of scenes
1) Switch on the programming mode. For this pur-
pose keep button PROGRAM REC (2) pressed
for approx. 3 seconds until its LED starts flash-
2) Keep button DEL / CLEAR (5) pressed and then
press the corresponding button CHASES (1) at
the same time. All LEDs of the control panel
flash three times.
3) To delete further sequences of scenes, repeat
step 2.
(4) [1 – 200, display
(4) select the number
chapter 5.2.2).